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PLEASE NOTE: The Environmental Science Major is an Interdepartmental program within the College of Science. Click here for details.

Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences


Why Study the Earth and Environment?

Think earth and environmental science is just rocks? Earth and environmental scientists are problem solvers, addressing issues related to energy & water resources, natural disasters, and environmental protection.


Rewarding Careers

According to the , earth and environmental sciences jobs are expected to increase during the next decade faster than most other industries...and many earth and environmental scientists wear jeans to the "office!"



Several Degree Options

Our degrees will not only teach you what you need to be successful in the earth and environmental sciences workforce and/or graduate school, they'll also help you identify the earth and environmental science specialties that best match your career goals. 


"And then I took a geoscience class..."

Our faculty and staff are here for you! They have journeys that may even surprise you. Get to know us because we want to get to know you and help you succeed.

Faculty & Staff

Earth is Calling. Will You Answer?

Are you fascinated by technology, travel, fossils, volcanoes, or making the world healthier and safer for everyone? If yes, let your fellow student colleagues help you get started!

Get Involved!

Success Starts Here!

Already an Earth and Environmental Sciences major? Make use of these great tools and opportunities today. Let's GO!

Student Resources

Certified Sustainable Department 

sustainability certification level greensustainability certification



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Let's Connect!

#WeberEarth #EarthandEnviroSci



New Major Advisor
Dr. Marek Matyjasik
TY 330
View Website

Mailing address

Weber State University
College of Science
1415 Edvalson St., Dept. 2507
Ogden, UT 84408-2507

Building location

Tracy Hall Science Center (TY 338)

Click for campus map