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Dr. Adolph Yonkee


Ph.D. at University of Utah
M.S. at University of Wyoming
B.S. at University of Wyoming


Contact Information

Email: ayonkee@weber.edu
Phone: 801-626-7419
Office Location: 
Tracy Hall Science Center (TY)
Room 333, Mail Code 2507




Teaching Philosophy & Focus

My teaching centers on the “hard rock” aspects of geosciences and includes upper division classes on structural geology, global tectonics, petrology, and geochemistry. We live in an amazing natural laboratory, and field trips, along with extensive lab and homework exercises, are key components of these classes. I also help teach Field Methods and Field Camp, which provide capstone experiences where students integrate multiple concepts and skills.

Classes Taught

Research Areas of Interest

Ongoing research interests include: structural evolution of curved mountain systems within the North American and South American Cordilleras; Processes of foreland deformation and relation to flat-slab subduction; Fluid flow systems, fluid-rock interaction, and relations to rheology in fold-thrust belts; Geochronology and thermochronology of fold-thrust belts to determine fault slip and strain rate histories; Neoproterozoic rifting and Snowball Earth history; Development of crack systems during weathering.

I work with colleagues and students from multiple institutions on collaborative projects covering these topics. We combine extensive field studies with a variety of laboratory techniques, from laser-ablation mass spectrometry, to electron microscopy, to computer modeling. Current field areas include Utah, Wyoming, and Argentina.

Specific Projects

Please visit this page to learn more about my specific projects.
