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Dr. David Matty


Ph.D. at Rice University
M.S. at Portland State University
B.S. at Central Michigan University


Contact Information

Email: dmatty@weber.edu
Office Location: 
Tracy Hall Science Center (TY)


Teaching Philosophy & Focus

In order to fully appreciate the diversity of rocks, how they originate, and how they evolve, it’s important to understand a continuum of influences ranging from small-scale chemical characteristics to large-scale tectonic influences. 

Class Taught

Research Areas of Interest 

Science education; Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry; Analytical Geochemistry  

As my career has evolved, I have become more and more interested in research related to improving student learning in a modern university environment. 

I continue to experiment with new approaches to learning and have been developing more robust assessment mechanisms to quantify student learning improvements.  

My geological research interests involve petrologic and geochemical studies of the plumbing systems of ancient volcanoes, and how magmas interact with continental crust.

Recent field areas include the White-Inyo Mountains of eastern California, the Henry Mountains of Central Utah, and various localities along the northern margin of Idaho’s Snake River Plain.