Working with the Office of Equal Opportunity

The Office of Equal Opportunity is here to help you with complaints of discrimination, harassment and Title IX violations. These frequently asked questions cover many of the inquiries we receive. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How soon do I have to file a discrimination complaint?
It is best to bring a complaint as quickly as possible, but Weber State University's policy allows complaints to be filed up to six months after the most recent discriminatory act. You may be able to file a complaint even after six months, in consideration of extenuating circumstances.

How can I anonymously report a violation of the policy?
Red Flag Reporting is a simple, risk-free way to anonymously and confidentially report activities that may involve unethical, criminal or otherwise inappropriate activity or behavior in violation of 日本一级片 policies.

  • 888-524-7144

How can I confidentially report a violation of the policy?

  • Weber State University Counseling and Psychological Services Center 801-626-6406
  • Weber State University Women’s Center 801-626-6090
  • Your Community Connection (YCC) of Ogden 801-392-7273 24-hour crisis line
  • Safe Harbor of Davis County 801-444-9161 24-hour crisis line
  • Utah Coalition Against Sexual Assault 1-888-421-1100 24-hour crisis line

Can I choose how my complaint is resolved?
Yes, you have options! If you believe you have experienced discrimination or harassment based on a protected classification, contact the Office of Equal Opportunity to talk about options that may be available to you. Additionally, no formal complaint has to be filed to receive supportive measures.

If I file a formal complaint, will there be an investigation?
Possibly. Information provided to the Office of Equal Opportunity through an Intake Form will be reviewed to determine if it rises to the level of an investigation

Are any protections for me available while my complaint is being handled?
Yes, there are interim measures (supportive measures) that may be available to protect you, including, but not limited to:

If there is an investigation, will I get to see the investigation report?
You will not only have the opportunity to see the report, you will be given an opportunity to add any additional evidence or remarks before it is submitted to the responsible administrator for their consideration.

If I don’t like the responsible administrator’s decision, can I appeal it?
Yes, there is an appeal process depending on whether you are a student or an employee.

How can I report civil rights violations outside of the University?
Most civil rights are protected by state and federal laws with agencies to investigate those rights.

Which employees are required to report violations of PPM 3-32 (Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct)?
All employees, with the exception of confidential employees, who know or should have reason to know that PPM 3-32 is being violated, must immediately report to the Office of Equal Opportunity information that is known. This includes, but is not limited to executives, faculty members, directors, supervisors, managers, coordinators, leads, coaching personnel, advisors, and specialists with supervisory or evaluative authority over others.

What if I want to try to work my concern out with the person who is causing me the problem?
If you want to try that you are encouraged to do so. Here are some suggestions, if you do:

  • Keep a complete record or diary.
  • Record each action you took, when and where you did it, and any witnesses who were present.
  • Also record the response of the other person. Did they apologize? Did they agree not to engage in the unwelcome behavior in the future?
  • If you write the person a letter, be sure to save a copy and note the date you sent it, or send it certified mail.

Are there any protections if I use the grievance procedures in the policy?
There are very strong protections against any retaliation. You cannot be punished for raising a civil rights issue. Witnesses or others who participate in a complaint are also protected. This protection does not include knowingly providing false statements.

I am a concurrent enrollment teacher. What should I think about when deciding on accommodation requests for my students?
Accommodations are handled by the Disability Services.