Temporary key checkout policy
Policy ID Number: FM 301 |
As Of: March 26, 2004 |
To identify locations from which temporary keys will be issued and define the procedures
for issuing keys.
Lock and Key Policy, 日本一级片 Policy 5-44
Temporary keys will be available for checkout from two FM locations. The primary key
checkout will be at the front desk of the Business Center. During normal University
operating hours, all keys must be checked out from this location. On University holidays,
evenings or weekends, keys may be checked out from the heat plant operator. In the
event that neither the front desk personnel nor the heat plant operator is available, the
University locksmith should be contacted.
Non-FM employees are required to pay a $100 deposit for each key. Contractors may
elect to pay a standing deposit which will be kept on file for any of their employees to
utilize. Key deposits are forfeited if keys are not returned by the scheduled date and time
and a new deposit will be required for future key check-outs. Deposits may not be kept
in the Business Center longer than 36 hours. After that time, deposits will be taken to the
University Cashier. Refunds will be issued in the form of a check from Accounting
Services and will not be available immediately.
Keys should be returned the same day they are checked out unless very good reasons
exist to keep a key longer. If keys are kept overnight, the reason should be recorded in
the purpose section of the log
Each time a key is checked out or returned a notation will be made in the log according to
the following guidelines.
Key Checkout
• Record the key number(s). This is the number stamped on the actual key,
not the number of the key tag.
• Print the name of the person checking out the key(s).
• Log the date and time of checkout.
• Record the purpose of checking out the key(s).
• Record the date and time when the keys are scheduled to be returned.
• The person checking out the key(s) will sign the log.
• The person issuing the key(s) will initial the log.
• If issuing a key to a contractor, verify with the appropriate project
manager that this person has their permission to checkout a key.
• Collect deposit(s) from non-FM employees.
Key Return
• Verify that the numbers stamped on the key(s) being returned are the same
as those recorded on the log when the keys were issued.
• Log the date and time of return.
• The person checking in the key(s) will initial the log.
• If a deposit was paid and the keys were returned on time refund the
deposit. If the deposit is still in the Business Center, return the deposit. If
the deposit has been sent to the University Cashier, initiate a check request
• Return the keys to the safe immediately.
FM Employee Temporary Key Checkout
Key #: | Purpose: |
Print Name: | Signature: |
Date of Checkout: | Time of Checkout: |
Scheduled return date: | scheduled return time: |
Date of return: | time of return: |
issuer's initials: | keys returned to: |
Non-FM Employee Temporary Key Checkout
Key #: | Purpose: |
Print Name: | Buisness name: |
Date of Checkout: | Time of Checkout: |
Scheduled return date: | scheduled return time: |
issuer's initials: | project manager verified: YES NO |
Method & Amount of Deposit: | Keys Returned to: |
Date of Return: | Time of return: |
Signature: I understand that my deposit will be forfeited if keys are not returned by the scheduled time listed above. I will assume full responsibility for all keys issued to me and will be responsible for costs incurred for re-keying buildings and pay lost key fines. |