FM Hourly Student Employee Tuition Reimbursement Program

This program will be ending after the current Spring 2025 semester.

Weber State University Facilities Management (FM) now provides tuition reimbursement of up to $750 per semester to student hourly employees.* All degree-seeking students that are hourly employees in FM may be eligible.**

Don’t work for us yet? Apply today! Start earning money and get some for FREE!
Together we help keep everyone safer on campus.

*Dependent on available funding, length of time working for FM, and how much you paid to 日本一级片. Program not guaranteed every semester.

**Some scholarships and financial aid may impact eligibility. Please see supervisor for details.



How do I get my tuition reimbursement?

You will need to pay your tuition by the university due date of the current semester. To get reimbursed, email your paid tuition bill dated 2 weeks before finals to Robert Jeans - FM Budget Clerk, to start the application process. He will work with payroll to add the reimbursement to your paycheck if it's accepted.

How soon do I get my tuition reimbursement?

Tuition reimbursements will begin processing 2 weeks before finals near the end of the semester.

How much money do I get?

The tuition reimbursement amount is prorated based on how long you worked for FM during that semester and how much tuition/expenses you paid. See the diagram below:

Tuition reimbursement is a taxable benefit.

Amount of time

< 25%

26% - 50%

51% - 75%

75% - 100%

Payment amount up to:





What can be covered by the reimbursement?

Tuition that isn't covered by other grants or scholarships, books and other required course materials, and international student insurance. Receipts must be provided and are subject to review for compliance. Other expenses can be reviewed but are not guaranteed.

Is there a deadline for submission?

Yes. All submissions must be submitted before the start of the following semester. Any applications submitted after the next semester starts will not be accepted for reimbursement.

Do I have to be a full-time student?

You don’t have to be a full-time student, but you must be seeking a degree.

How many hours a week do I have to work to qualify?

To qualify for tuition reimbursement, you will need to work an average of 20 hours per week.

What happens if I have to drop our or don’t complete the semester?

Students that drop out or fail to complete the semester will not be eligible for future tuition assistance through FM.

What happens if I drop out of any or all of my classes before the tuition refund deadline?

No reimbursement will be given for tuition paid that is not refunded due to dropping class after the refund date.

What happens if I quit my position before the end of the semester?

If given two weeks notice to supervisor and Robert Jeans, your tuition reimbursement will be calculated based on the amount of time you worked throughout the semester and be paid accordingly on your last paycheck. If no notice is given, we will not be able to process your payment.

Do I have to be in a related field of study to qualify?

Courses or pursued degree do not need to be related to job duties in FM to qualify for reimbursement.

Can I get tuition assistance if I’m attending a college or university other than Weber State?

Tuition assistance can be used at other accredited higher education institutions.