Reports and Publications


Welcome to the Budget and Institutional Research office’s public resource web page. The resources available on this page are designed to help meet the needs of the general public in understanding who and in what ways Weber State University serves Utah and our local community as reported in common higher education statistics.

The following information can be found in the links listed below in the Reported Data section:  

•    Enrollments by distinct Headcounts, Student Credit Hour (SCH) and Full Time Equivalent (FTE) enrollments (Institutional Profile)
•    Student Demographics trends by age, gender, ethnicity, registration status, and others (Institutional Profile) 
•    Student Counts by College and Departments for declared majors (Institutional Profile)
•    Certificate and Degrees awarded by Weber State University (Institutional Profile)
•    日本一级片’s most recent Common Data Set submission


Having trouble finding what you are looking for?  External audiences can request an additional report by clicking , or speak with an Institutional Analyst by calling 801-626-7437 or email


Work for 日本一级片?

For our internal partners, the should be your one stop for data about 日本一级片 students and other topics.  Additionally, the 日本一级片 Data Page has numerous resources available for campus data users including how-to-guide’s and on-demand training resources.

Please be advised that the information on this site is from the University's census data and may not match campus-based reports which return information from live data.


Having trouble finding what you are looking for?  Request an additional report by clicking , or speak with an Institutional Analyst by calling 801-626-7437 or email

Reported Data

Dashboard Link Information
Fast Facts  

Highlights of the Institutional Profile for a given academic year dating back to 1995. Demographic head counts are taken from the fall third week files. 


Data regarding total enrollment, student demographics, SCH and degrees awarded. Demographic head counts are collected from the fall and spring third week files as well as the summer end of term file.

Annual submission of data that is printed in multiple publications such as College BoardPeterson's College Guide, and U.S. News and World Report.

Data Release Dates

Click to sign up for email notifications when new census data is available and/or new dashboards and filtering options are released.

Census Data Information
Fall  Third Week Data Scheduled for completion on the 3rd week of October.  Data posted by the end of the following week.
All Student Retention Rate Scheduled for completion on the 3rd week of October.  Data posted by the end of the following week.
Graduation Data Scheduled for completion on the 4th week of September.  Data posted by the end of the following week.
Summer End-of-Term Data Scheduled for completion on the 3rd week of September.  Data posted by the end of the following week.
Spring  Third Week Data Scheduled for completion on the 3rd week of February.  Data posted by the end of the following week.
IPEDS Graduation Rates and Outcome Measures Scheduled for completion on the 3rd week of February. Data posted by the end of the following week.
IPEDS Retention Rates Scheduled for completion on the 3rd week of April.  Data posted by the end of the following week.
Short List of Common Abbreviations. Click on the full name to see its definition in the Data Cookbook:

Abbreviation - Full Name
FTE - 
SCH - 
HC -