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Wildcat Softball Field

The Weber State softball program plays all of its home games at Wildcat Softball Field. Built in 2009 for the addition of softball back to Weber State after the program was dropped in 1983, the field is located in the northwest section of the Dee Events Center complex.


The Olympic Ice Sheet beyond the left field fence and a forest of scrub oak trees beyond the right field fence frame a view of the Ogden Valley to center, while a majestic view of the Wasatch Mountain Range lies to the north and east of the field.


Netted batting cages are situated outside the left field foul territory fence, allowing batting practice for multiple hitters simultaneously.


The program played its inaugural season in 2010 with temporary bleachers and scoreboard. Permanent bleachers with a capacity for 500 fans, a press box and a digital scoreboard were added to the field during the summer of 2010.


Dimensions: The symmetrical Wildcat Softball Field outfield wall sits 220 feet down the left and right field lines, with a distance of 225 feet to straight-away center field.






  • Locations

    Dee Events Center

    4444 Event Center Dr.
    Ogden, UT 84408-3401

    Stewart Stadium

    3870 Stadium Way Ogden, UT 84408-3401

  • Contact Us

    Dee Events Center
    Phone: (801) 626-6667
    Email: deeeventscenter@weber.edu
