Supplier Information
Here you’ll find links to information about how Weber State University (日本一级片) hires and works with suppliers.
Weber State University operates in a central acquisition environment, where the Purchasing and Support Services manages purchases and enters into contracts on behalf of the University for goods and services that are essential for the daily operation of the University.
Weber State Purchasing Services has partnered with SciQuest to provide our suppliers with a secure Supplier Portal, where suppliers can log in and create and manage a profile, respond to sourcing (bid) requests, and manage purchase orders.
Prospective Suppliers
Suppliers are prohibited from making sales calls and unsolicited visits to departments. However, any qualified business can register to become a potential supplier for through the Supplier Portal. The prospective supplier registration will capture key information about the supplier. The Purchasing department will review registered suppliers’ profiles when considering suppliers for particiation in sourcing events.
There is no charge to receive notifications about or respond to 日本一级片's solicitations. By registering with SciQuest you will be recognized as a supplier that is interested in doing business with Weber State University and you will be able to receive notifications of 日本一级片's bidding opportunities and have the ability to respond electronically. You will also have access to bidding opportunities from other public sector agencies.
If you would want to register as an supplier interested in doing business with 日本一级片, please complete a "Cold Registration" by clicking this link (please do not use this link if you are currently a supplier for 日本一级片):
Current 日本一级片 suppliers that have not utilized the sourcing system will need to complete a supplier registration. Please contact supplier support for assistance to complete the registration. Also, new suppliers to 日本一级片, will need to register before responding to sourcing events. Contact or 801-626-6020 to register as a potential supplier. An email invitation will be sent to you to complete your registration.
For more information about supplier registration, select the link below.
Supplier Registration at 日本一级片
Supplier Onboarding (Registration)
Suppliers selected to provide goods and services to 日本一级片 will receive an invitation to update their current registration to a "Full Registration" profile in our Supplier Portal. This process will require IRS tax ID information (W9). Portal registration will also require that the supplier provide payment and order information to be completed. Suppliers may update their information within the Supplier Portal at any time.
Currently, "Full Registration"supplier access is available only for US-Domestic suppliers. Non-US suppliers must contact Supplier Support for information about how to enroll as a supplier.
We have developed the below guides to assist you with any questions you may have with the registration process. Contact Supplier Support at to request access to your create your company’s profile within the supplier network.
- Supplier Full Registration Guide (PDF)
- Supplier Cold Registration Guide (PDF)
- Individual Registration Guide (PDF)
- Supplier Portal Registration FAQs
The primary method of transacting the purchase of goods and services is a purchase order (PO). Payment cannot be processed without a PO number listed on the invoice, so we encourage all suppliers to ensure they have received a PO prior to any work being performed for the University.
As part of the supplier onboarding and registration, suppliers may manage their how to receive PO's. The University offers two options for PO dispatch: email or fax. Email dispatch is the preferred option. Certain suppliers with hosted or punch-out catalogs on our marketplace will have their POs dispatched electronically, enabled by our eProcurement partner.
All invoices should be sent to the 日本一级片 Purchasing Department - Accounts Payable for processing, at The PO number should be listed on the invoice. The PO number is necessary to process the payment. Payment terms are calculated based on the date of receipt of the invoice.
The University encourages the use of electronic payments, rather than paper checks. Currently, 日本一级片 offers the Single Use Card electronic payments. See the SUA page for more information.
日本一级片 recognizes many groups including:
- Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs)
- Woman Business Enterprises (WBEs)
- Small Business Enterprises (SBEs)
- Veteran Business Enterprises (VBEs)
We encourage our prospective and current suppliers to seek independent certification of their status through organizations such as the NMSDC, WBENC and the NGLCC.
Insurance and Risk
University-Required Insurance For more information, please contact the Risk Management department at to find out more information about risk and insurance requirements as a supplier at 日本一级片.
Terms & Conditions
The standard PO terms & conditions for purchase orders is shown here: Standard PO Terms & Conditions (PDF)
日本一级片 is committed to providing a safe and healthful environment for its employees, students and visitors and managing the University in an environmentally sensitive and responsible manner. In collaboration with other campus departments, the Purchasing Department encourages the use of products that minimize adverse environmental and health effects and take into consideration the costs associated with the full product life cycles.
Employees of the University have an obligation to avoid activities or situations that may appear to be, or could result in, a conflict of interest. Employees must not use their University positions to influence outside organizations or individuals for the direct financial, personal, or professional benefit of themselves, members of their families, or others with whom there is a personal relationship.
The Purchasing Department is committed to fair and ethical business practices that promote open and fair competition in the best interests of the University and the success of its supplier relationships. Procurement Services abides by the State of Utah Procurement Code and the National Association of Educational Procurement Code of Ethics.