First-Year Students
While students straight out of high school can often use certain test scores to receive placement, we have a variety of options including free placement testing. Visit the Testing Center website or the math and English placement website for more information.
Programs and Classes to Support You
There are many programs, courses and community-based centers available for first-year students at Weber State. First-year students have many options depending on their mathematics and English placements, and can combine this with their interests in enrolling in specific courses designed to support learning about college life and resources. Before enrolling in any class, first-time students should complete New Student Orientation Modules through the eWeber portal and talk to an advisor about which classes best fit their academic goals.
First Year Experience
The First Year Experience (FYE) Program is designed to help incoming students make a successful transition into the university community by offering a three-credit hour, elective course called Foundations of College Success (FYE 1105).
Composition is typically completed by a two-semester course sequence (ENGL 1010 or ENGL 1005 in the first semester and ENGL 2010 or ENGL 2015 in the second semester) designed to familiarize students with the principles of writing at the college level. This sequence provides students with the specific writing skills required by their departments and with strategies for writing at the college level (and beyond).
Quantitative Literacy
The 日本一级片 Quantitative Literacy requirement is fulfilled by a designated QL class that provides students with a college-level foundation in mathematical knowledge and skills necessary for their career and life. There are a range of QL classes to choose from and course sequences for students placed in developmental math to optimally prepare for the QL course that best fits their needs and goals.
Wildcat Scholars
Wildcat Scholars Program is a first year program of purposefully designed courses that help students build a solid foundation for college success. Need some extra support in English and Math at college? Wildcat Scholars may be for you and offers a welcoming support network as you transition into college through comprehensive financial, academic, and personal support.
First-Year Learning Communities
First-Year Learning Communities help make the transition to college easier by making sure that you have a positive support system. First-Year Learning Communities are open to all students at Weber State. In a Learning Community, you will find easy first-time registration, connecting with students in your area of interest early on, and specific support for your needs and future goals.
Living Learning Communities
Join a Living Learning Community (LLC) while living on campus and connect with others who share common interests.
LLCs include:
- Esports
- First-Year Experience
- Outdoor Adventure
- The Latter Day Saint Student Association