Mentoring Programs at Weber State


chanellChanell Sosa

What is your most meaningful memory with a mentee?

I was doing a lesson plan with a mentee and it was about registration. I walked her through how to find her registration time, how to find her advisor, etc. Basically showing her how to find these things. At the end of our meeting she said, "Thank you so much for showing me how to do this. I was stressing on how to find these things." She was so grateful that I helped her since she really doesn't have people she can go to. That made me remember why I wanted to become a mentor.

What would I tell someone thinking about being a mentor?

This is an awesome experience. You not only get to meet a lot of different people, you also learn more about yourself. It helped me be more comfortable in certain areas. You definitely will grow as a mentor. You have amazing people there to help you.




Contact: Olga Antonio | | 801-626-7332 | Shepherd Union 231D