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Geography Certificates

We offer three different geography certificates, including the , the and the . Learn more about each program below. Use the Change My Major app in your eWeber portal to sign up for one of the geography certificates or contact an advisor for more information.

Sustainable Land Use Planning Certificate of Proficiency

What You'll Learn

  • Understand the importance of balancing the necessities of economic, social and environmental development to create more sustainable places.
  • Gain experience working with the tools and techniques that are important to the planning profession; GIS is strongly recommended.
  • Prepare to participate in the urban and regional planning field as skilled professionals who are grounded in the theories, methods and techniques of land use planning at all scales. See advisor for internship opportunities with local planning agencies.


The 19-credit hour course completion requirement will include four required courses and two elective courses. A grade of “C” or better in all courses used toward the certificate (a grade of “C-” is not acceptable). An overall GPA of 2.75 is required for the four core courses in the Certificate Program.


Dr. Bryan Dorsey

Geospatial Analysis Certificate of Proficiency

What You'll Learn

  • Learn how to effectively create and communicate geospatial data/results to others through cartographically accurate maps/dynamic products, technical reports and multimedia presentations.
  • Learn basic geospatial concepts, such as data models, spatial databases, data projections and coordinate systems, topology, digitizing spatial data, metadata and quality control.
  • Learn geospatial analysis techniques that can be performed on vector and raster data collected from various platforms, such as satellites/drones (Remote Sensing), GPS instruments and field maps. Perform multiple types of analysis, including spatial overlay, raster processing, statistics, terrain and hydrologic analysis, transportation networks, modeling and Python programming.
  • Learn how to work in a team environment to complete a set of geospatial tasks or a geospatial project that includes project objectives, methods, data collection, analysis and reporting results in a professional format through completion of a geospatial internship or capstone course.


Minimum of 16 credit hours from the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences and 6 credit hours from the Department of Geography, Environment & Sustainability. The remaining 1-3 credit hours earned from completing either the Geospatial Internship or Geospatial Capstone course. A grade of “C” or better in all courses used toward the certificate (a grade of “C-” is not acceptable).


Dr. Ryan Frazier

Dr. Michael Hernandez

Geospatial Technology Certificate of Proficiency

What You'll Learn

  • Develop an understanding of and appreciation for the role of geography and geospatial technologies as well as acquire the basic technical skills used to address environmental and human spatial problem solving.
  • Learn how to effectively create and communicate geospatial data/results to others through cartographically accurate maps/dynamic products, technical reports and multimedia presentations.
  • Learn basic geospatial concepts, such as data models, spatial databases, data projections and coordinate systems, topology, digitizing spatial data, metadata and quality control.
  • Learn geospatial analysis techniques that can be performed on vector and raster data collected from various platforms, such as satellites/drones (Remote Sensing), GPS instruments and field maps. Perform multiple types of analysis, including spatial overlay, raster processing, statistics, terrain and hydrologic analysis, transportation networks, modeling and Python programming.
  • Learn how to work in a team environment to complete a set of geospatial tasks or a geospatial project that includes project objectives, methods, data collection, analysis and reporting results in a professional format through completion of a geospatial internship or capstone course.


Minimum of 12 credit hours from the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences and 6 credit hours from the Department of Geography, Environment & Sustainability. The remaining 1-3 credit hours earned from completing either the Geospatial Internship or Geospatial Capstone course. A grade of “C” or better in all courses used toward the certificate (a grade of “C-” is not acceptable).


Dr. Eric Ewert