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Janine Webb Graduate Studies Scholarship

The Janine Webb Graduate Studies Scholarship is for Weber State University graduate program students. The award may be used for tuition, fees and other educational expenses.

Scholarship Criteria

  • Must be officially accepted or enrolled in any Weber State University graduate program
  • Preference may be given for the following:
    • Single parent students
    • First-generation students
    • International students
    • Students with financial need
    • Community service participants
    • High-achieving incoming graduate students newly enrolled or in their first year of full or part-time graduate study, aiming to attract and retain high-achieving graduate students at Weber State University
  • Qualifying students for this scholarship must have a 3.7 or higher cumulative GPA on their official transcript

For single parents, first-generation, international students, students with financial needs, and community service participants, qualified students can receive up to $2,000 each semester of part-time or full-time graduate study. The total possible funding a student can be awarded for these scholarships is $8,000.

For high-achieving incoming graduate students newly enrolled or in their first year of full or part-time graduate study, qualified students can receive up to $2,500 each semester for part-time or full-time graduate study. The total possible funding a student can receive for this scholarship is $5,000.

Essay Criteria

  • Eligibility:  Discuss how you meet one or more of the criteria outlined in the scholarship description. If you do not meet any of the specified criteria, you may still apply and proceed to address the following sections:
  • Future Goals and Aspirations: Explain how earning a graduate degree from Weber State University will support your future goals and aspirations.
  • Alignment with Career or Service Goals: Describe how your chosen graduate program at Weber State aligns with your professional ambitions or service-oriented objectives.
  • Artificial Intelligence Disclaimer: Essay submissions generated or assisted by artificial intelligence will receive a score of zero for the essay portion of the scholarship evaluation.
  • Personal Information: You may include your name. However, please do not include address, email address, or W#s.

Application Deadlines

  • December 1 for spring semester awards
  • March 31 for summer semester awards
  • May 1 for fall semester awards


Awards are issued for one semester only. Students must reapply for any awards for subsequent semesters, and no awards will be split between multiple semesters. To be considered, previous recipients must reapply for the Janine Webb Graduate Studies Scholarship each semester. The maximum amounts awarded per semester are: - Fall Semester: $12,000 - Spring Semester: $12,000 - Summer Semester: $8,000