Weber State University’s ePortfolios help students connect classroom accomplishments to future job opportunities. An ePortfolio is a digital resource students can build to showcase skills and experiences to potential employers.
ePortfolios for Students
ePortfolios are an innovative way for students to market themselves. Through Canvas Student’s ePortfolio, also known as Folio, you can visually communicate your skills and accomplishments with future employers.
By creating an ePortfolio, you’ll benefit from:

Demonstrating your professional value by displaying samples of your work or abilities

A free account that goes with you when you graduate

Sharing your educational and professional journey to prepare for career opportunities
How to Create an ePortfolio
Create Your Account
Log into the Canvas app, click Account in the left-hand menu and select Folio. Then click on your initials or profile picture. From there, follow the instructions and once completed, you will be automatically directed to your ePortfolio landing page.
To start building your ePortfolio, you can either choose existing Canvas assignments to import as projects or create your own projects from scratch and add content later.
Curate Your ePortfolio
Collect assignments and other items that prove your skills, then add them to Folio to showcase your abilities. To add a project, click on the "+NEW PROJECT" button in the upper right corner.
Share Your Work
Set your privacy settings to public, then you can copy and share your profile's URL. Anyone with this link can view your ePortfolio. You can also share projects on your resume or LinkedIn page. Each project has a unique URL, so you can link directly to them.
If you’re using Folio for a class but don’t want to share a project publicly, set that particular project to private. Copy the provided link and share it selectively.
Keep Going
As you continue to grow, your ePortfolio should too. Keep adding and sharing your accomplishments with Folio. It’s always free to use, even after you graduate. Access your ePortfolio through .
ePortfolios for Faculty
By including ePortfolios in your curriculum, you can help students create an ePortfolio through Folio, a digital portfolio platform, to showcase the skills they learn in your courses. Refer students to the information above. Canvas Commons templates make implementing ePortfolios easy and efficient. Sign in to Canvas Commons and enter "ePortfolios" into the search bar.
By adopting ePortfolios in your classroom, you’ll provide an opportunity for students to:

Curate and display artifacts tied to their learning while engaging in a high-impact educational experience to solidify meaning

Demonstrate their abilities and visually communicate their professional value to potential employers

Reflect on their education
Faculty Resources for Using ePortfolios
Implementing ePortfolios in a Canvas course
日本一级片 Instructional Designers
Helping Students Use ePortfolios to Market Themselves
Wildcat Advantage and Internships
Using ePortfolios for Program-level Assessment
Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Using ePortfolios for Course-level Assessment
Stephanie Speicher

“Portfolium provides us with a much-needed electronic portfolio to curate student artifacts such as community-engaged learning, signature assignments, student projects and achievements. At our DNP accreditation visit, the peer evaluators were very impressed. Our graduates now have a repository to help showcase their skills and accomplishments at 日本一级片 to current or potential employers."
— Melissa Neville-Norton, Graduate Programs Director, Annie Taylor Dee School of Nursing
Resource Videos
Check out our helpful videos on how to create your ePortfolio and on how to improve your profile: