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Earn your degree in the Department of Health, Physical Education & Recreation, the most active department on campus.

Complete the steps listed below to enroll in one of our programs:

Steps To Apply


Step 1: Apply to 日本一级片.

Apply for Admission

Transferring Your Credits

You can transfer credits you’ve taken at another school to fulfill 日本一级片 requirements. Follow the admissions process for transfer students, and then schedule an advising appointment to see if your transfer courses can be used to satisfy program requirements.

Secondary Admissions

If you are applying to our health promotion, physical education or coaching education program, you must complete additional admission requirements.


Step 2: Declare your major or program.

Contact HPER advisement coordinator Brittni Strickland at 801-626-7425 or brittnistrickland@weber.edu to declare your major. We encourage you to apply early for best selection of courses.



Step 3: Meet with your advisor to review your courses.

We recommend meeting with your faculty advisor throughout your course of study to stay on track for graduation. New students should contact the Department of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation academic advisor:

Brittni Strickland
Reed K. Swenson Building, Rm. 313 A
Phone: 801-626-7425
Fax: 801-626-6228


Step 4: Register for classes.

Find registration dates and video tutorials on our registration website.


Secondary Applications