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Bachelor of Science in Physical Education

Learn the skills to work in a physical activity venue or as an in-demand PE teacher.


Employment Opportunities

Non-Teaching Track

With a bachelor’s degree in physical education, you can supervise and manage recreational programs, organize and direct intramural programs and teach in unique education environments such as alternative schools, charter schools and Job Corps.

Teaching Track

After completing our teaching track, you will also be qualified to teach physical education and/or coaching in a K-12 school system.

Degree Information

Grade Requirements

A combined GPA of 3.0 is required for all courses used toward the major. No grade lower than a “C” is acceptable.

Credit Hour Requirements

Non-teaching track students must complete a minimum of 48 credit hours in the major. Teaching track students must complete a minimum of 36 credit hours in the major. Any Physical Education Professional course older than 8 years will not be accepted toward degree requirements.


Students selecting the teaching track must meet Teacher Education admission and licensure requirements.


The teaching track requires a teaching minor.