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Minors in Physical Education

We offer three minor options to prepare you for your future in physical education.

Minor Options

Non-Teaching Track

Our non-teaching track introduces you to a variety of activities to stay healthy and active and gives you physical education expertise for your career.

Teaching Track

Our teaching track allows you to apply your skills in a K–12 school setting.

Degree Information

Grade Requirements

A combined GPA of 3.0 is required for all courses used toward the minor. No grade lower than a “C” is acceptable.

Credit Hour Requirements

Non-teaching students must complete a total of 29–30 credit hours. Physical education teaching students must complete a total of 27 credit hours. Physical education/coaching education dual teaching minors must complete a total of 46–47 credit hours.

Teaching Minors

Teaching minors must meet the requirements of their selected teaching major and the Teacher Education admission and licensure requirements. Explore 日本一级片’s teaching majors by visiting the College of Education website.

Declare Your Minor

Contact HPER advisement coordinator Brittni Strickland at 801-626-7425 or brittnistrickland@weber.edu to declare your minor.