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Aerobic Testing

Aerobic testing is a major indicator of cardiovascular fitness. Aerobic testing is used to measure the ability of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems to take in and deliver oxygen to your muscles as well as how well those muscles use oxygen during exhaustive exercise. Aerobic testing can either be measured with a submaximal or a maximal test, and the results are given in terms of a VO2 max, which translates into how much oxygen per minute you use during exercise.


Submaximal Aerobic

Details: Submaximal aerobic testing is used to predict your VO2 max without actually having to perform maximal exercise. It can either be done through cycling or on a treadmill or track.

Details: The preferred method of submaximal aerobic testing is the YMCA protocol (there are other tests available upon request). This test is done in a series of stages using a cycle ergometer (stationary bike). Each stage lasts 3-4 minutes. You will complete between 2 and 4 stages. The goal is to achieve a heart rate between 110 beats per minute (bpm) and 80% of your estimated maximal heart rate in two consecutive stages. That data is then used to predict your VO2 max.

Instructions: To ensure the most accurate results as possible, please

  • Wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothes (athletic attire).
  • Wear appropriate footwear.
  • Make sure that you are well-hydrated before the test.
Lab Service Students/WSU Affiliates
Exempt from Employee Wellness
Alumni/Retirees Community Members
Sub-Max bicycle test $20 $30 $40
Sub-Max treadmill test $20 $30 $40

Maximal Aerobic

Details: Maximal aerobic testing (VO2 max) is more accurate in determining your VO2 max than submaximal testing. VO2 max testing can be done on either a cycle ergometer or a treadmill. On either machine, you will wear a mouthpiece during the entire test that will collect and analyze every breath that you take to determine what your VO2 max is. You will also wear a heart rate monitor so that we can track your heart rate during exercise. There are a variety of protocols that can be used to assess VO2 max, and we will use the most appropriate one to assess your individual fitness level. During a VO2 max test, you will not be able to talk, but can communicate with hand gestures that will be established before the test. You will be asked to rate your perceived exertion on a scale. During a VO2 max test, you can expect to experience breathlessness, a rapid heart rate, fatigue, muscle soreness, and lightheadedness. If at any point during the test, you wish to stop, or are unable to continue, please let the staff member know so they can stop the test safely.

Instructions: To ensure the most accurate results as possible, please

  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing (athletic attire is recommended).
  • Wear appropriate footwear.
  • Make sure that you are well-hydrated before the test.
  • Make sure that you are well-rested before the test.
  • For best results, avoid exercising for 24 hours prior to the test.
Lab Service Students/WSU Affiliates
Exempt from Employee Wellness
Alumni/Retirees Community Members
Max cycle ergometer test $30 $40 $50
Max treadmill test $30 $40 $50