New Employee Toolkit
At Weber State, we care about giving our employees everything they need to perform their best. With that in mind, this website is full of resources to guide you through your first few months at Weber. We strive to meet students where they are and help them to meet their higher education goals. Each and every position on campus plays a role in fulfilling that mission.
That level of intention is not just for Weber students. We seek to provide that same level of support for our faculty and staff. If you have any questions, please feel free to email or call your supervisor, myself, or the other members of the Human Resources team at any time. We are more than happy to help you. We look forward to working with you and seeing you achieve great things!
Thank you for choosing Weber State.
–Assistant Vice President for Human Resources Meagan Thunell
Orient: Before Your First Day
Communicate with your supervisor or department liaison about the following:
- Date and time to arrive first day
- What to bring to complete HR paperwork
- Where to report and who to ask for
- Transportation and/or parking information
- What to expect during the first day on the job
- Options for lunch
Complete steps given by Human Resources and Payroll:
- Tax forms
- Select Benefits Enrollment in eWeber portal
- All paperwork must be turned in before your first benefits meeting
- Direct Deposit
- Inform of name you wish to go by, if different from hiring paperwork
Take some time to explore campus:
Orient: First Day
Connect with supervisor or point of contact
Tour office/workspace, where personal effects can go, kitchen/breakroom, restrooms, supply room, printer/copier, etc.
Go to Miller Admin: Human Resources first day benefits completion meeting
Pick up Employee Wildcard at Union Building Wildcard Services & Information Desk
Computer Setup
- Set up DUO Two-Factor Authentication
- Set up email
- Include your Weber-branded signature
- Check with supervisor about access to
- Google Calendars
- Box Share
- Department-specific Google Drives
Access eWeber Portal (on upper left-hand menu)
- Request keys and building access:
- Set up Proxy Card Access (with Wildcard)
- Once notified, you can pick up keys at Heat Plant: Key & Lock Shop
- Request on eWeber Portal
- Set up Code Purple & Campus Alerts:
- Request Parking Permit:
- If applicable, apply for 日本一级片 Purchasing (P-Card): (If approved, an appointment for P-Card training will be sent via 日本一级片 staff email)
- Update personal information on Lynx Self Service App
Discuss with supervisor about provisioning for additional access, if needed
Set up your office/work area
- Check with supervisor or department point of contact on the following:
- Door sign/name plate
- Set up phone name, greetings, voicemail: Telecommunications
- Locate office mail: learn delivery and pickup times and process for use
- Ask about supply requisition process for your office
- For additional office/work area needs, check Property Control
Orient: First Week
Learn individual work information:
- W# (located on your eWeber portal profile)
- Phone extension
- Email address
Explore the following:
- eWeber Portal and A-Z Index
- Department folders
- Box Drive
- Bookmark regularly used websites
Have supervisor or point of contact walk you through the App
Register and take 日本一级片 Trainings (in or online through the on eWeber Portal)
- REQUIRED: Welcome Orientation (automatic registration and calendar invite)
- REQUIRED: 日本一级片 HR Orientation Trainings
- #100-07 Building a Safe Campus through Trust & Education
- #101-50 Mandatory OEO Title IX
- #141-00 University Governance & Employee Rights
- Bridge: Abusive Conduct & Respectful Work Conditions
- #147-09 Ethics, Integrity, and Fairness: Legal Issues in Higher Ed
- Bridge: Information Security Awareness
- Drivers Safety & Certification
- Department-specific as directed
- CatTracks
- App
- Site Manager
- Data Access: Argos, Tableau, Dashboard
Probationary PREP: First Performance Evaluation
- Learn expectations and workload for first six months
- Department policies and procedures
- Schedule, breaks, how to request leave
- Discuss frequency of one-on-one performance evaluations
Launch: First 30 Days
Complete finals steps for Human Resources & Payroll, if needed
Budget Items
If you are responsible for purchases within your department, you will need to ask your supervisor or department point of contact to teach you the following:
- Account (Index) Numbers a.k.a. Cost Codes
- Tracking P-Card receipts
- Weber State Tax Exempt Status & what that means
- Paw Place (sign up for Paw Place Training)
- Funds Transfers
- ePARs
- Electronic Finance Feed
- Bookstore
- Copy Center
- Mail Center
Discuss the 日本一级片 org chart and chain of command with supervisor
Establish regular one-on-one meetings with supervisor, if they do not already exist
Email lists: Check with supervisor or department point of contact to make sure you’ve been added to the appropriate emails lists for your position, department and division
Launch: First 90 Days
Explore benefits of 日本一级片 Employment
- Professional Development opportunities
- and Office of Workplace Learning
- LinkedIn Learning (App on eWeber Portal)
- time and gym membership
- Tuition Benefits
- Faculty and Staff Development Grants
- Blomquist Hale Counseling
Connect: 90 Days to Six Months
Continue to meet regularly to ask questions
Keep up to date on 日本一级片 information and events through website, announcements, newsletters, and social media channels
Connect: Six Months to One Year
Schedule, if supervisor hasn’t, a time to review and complete Probationary PREP
Prepare goals for PREP Annual Review depending on Division calendar
Annual campus events:
- President’s Back to School Breakfast & Summer Picnic
- Block Party
- Take Our Daughters & Sons to Work Day
- Employee Learning Week
- Health & Wellness Week
- Customer Service Week
- Staff Awards Luncheon
- Faculty Awards Luncheon
Further opportunities to connect across campus:
- Faculty Staff Association
- Staff Advisory Committee & Faculty Senate
- All Support Staff Education & Training (ASSET)
- Teaching & Learning Forum Book Groups
- Environmental Issues Committee (EIC)
- Various 日本一级片 Committees
Helpful Information
Because periodic changes can occur concerning the information contained on this website, please call the Human Resource Department for any clarification or assistance you may need 801-626-6032.
日本一级片 Policies & Procedures Manual
- This PPM serves as the official source of all current policies and procedures governing Weber State.
New Employee Resources & Training
- This webpage serves as an all-in-one stop for links to various information needed to get established, general resources and training, and faculty specific resources and training.
- Stay up to date on happenings around campus and opportunities for involvement. Use your eWeber portal Announcements app to receive the information you want.
- Find information related to campus safety, discrimination and harassment reporting, related training, and support available to individuals who may have experienced issues related to these areas. A link to Safe@Weber can also found at the bottom of every webpage.