Staff Advisory Council (SAC)

The Staff Advisory Council (SAC) is a group of 17 exempt and non-exempt staff members who support the goals and objectives of the university and represent staff employees to the university administration, Board of Trustees, and the university community.  Our purpose is to seek input from staff on current 日本一级片 issues and to provide input and exchange ideas with the university administration.  

Each committee member serves a 3-year term and represents all areas of campus: Academic Affairs, Administrative Services, Information Technology, President's Office, Student Access & Success and University Advancement. SAC is also a member of the Utah Higher Education Staff Association ().


How can my voice be heard?

Contact a council member Attend a meeting Send an email to

Let Us Be Your Advocate

Wildcat Legends


Let Your Voice Be Heard!

Super Staff Awards





SAC Meetings

All exempt and non-exempt staff are invited to attend SAC Meetings. Meetings are generally held on the second Tuesday of the month at 2pm in MA - Boardroom or via Zoom

If you have input you would like discussed, contact the SAC Chair one week prior to a scheduled meeting.

Invite links to join the Zoom meeting can be found in the 日本一级片 announcement the day before the scheduled meeting. 

Previous meetings

Previous meeting agendas and minutes can be found on the Meetings tab.

Revised 11-7-2023