Levels of Research Review

Below are brief descriptions of each level of review provided by Weber State University Institutional Review Board. Applicants are asked to submit their proposal based on the level of review they believe is required for the application. The IRB Chair and/or Subcommittee Chair will make the final determination as to which level of IRB review a research proposal is evaluated. 

Exempt Review

To be exempt from IRB review, the research needs to fall within the following categories listed in 45 CFR 46.101(b):

  1. The study of some educational practices
  2. Surveys of adult subjects or public figures (non-sensitive topic areas, only)
  3. Observation of non-institutionalized adults, and minors under some specific circumstances
  4. Archival or secondary use of data or specimens with no identifiable info
  5. Demonstration or service projects under the “Social Security Act”

Application is required for all research involving human subjects believe to be Exempt Status.

Expedited Review

Expedited review covers research that involves only minimal risk and areas of research that are listed at the following link: 

Full Board Review

Research, that fails to qualify for exempt or expedited review and presents more than minimal risk will receive full review.