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Graduate Students

To Apply as a Graduate Student:

Graduate students must first apply and be accepted by the individual graduate program before the admission can be processed as an international student at Weber State University.

Visit Weber State's Office of Graduate Studies website for information about programs and their admission requirements. There you will apply directly to the graduate program. Each program has different requirements for admission.

Required Documents

  1. Confirmation of acceptance in the graduate program.
  2. Provide a readable copy of the identification page of your passport that lists your name, date of birth, and expiration date.
  3. A bank statement or bank letter that shows the account holder’s full name, the currency type, the balance of the account, and a signature and stamp from a bank official on a bank letterhead. This document must be in English.
  4. The amount in the bank account should be more than the cost estimate (equal to one year of tuition and all other expenses). Notice that graduate programs have different tuition rates.

Documents That May Be Required:

  1. Copy of I-20 and Visa: If you are coming from a university within the U.S., please provide a copy of your visa and copies of all I-20’s you have been issued.
  2. Foreign Credentials Evaluation: If you would like to receive credit for your work from any colleges or universities that you have attended outside of the United States, you will need to have your credits evaluated by a foreign credential evaluation company. For a list of approved companies, visit Foreign Credentials Evaluation Services. You will need to have the evaluation done course-by-course.
  3. Dependent Request: If you are planning to bring a spouse or children as a dependent, please complete the Dependent I-20 Request Form and submit the documents requested in the form.

Once accepted into your desired graduate program, the international admissions department will request these documents be submitted by email at intladmissions@weber.edu so we can process your I-20.

Once you've applied and your documents have been accepted, you must still register for classes.