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Student Poster Contest

Vote for your favorite student poster on March 20, from 9:45 a.m. to 1:35 p.m. 
The poster with the most votes will win the "People's Choice Award."

Those who vote will be entered to win ISS prizes!
Prizes will be distributed during the plenary session on March 20. Participants must be present to win. 

The Student Poster Contest is located on the Bridge Lounge at the Eco Expo. Come meet our community's emerging leaders, and explore their research as you engage with the next generation of sustainability professionals.


Sustainability Research (Graduate)

Bayesian Optimization-Driven Battery Energy Storage Sizing with Electrochemical Degradation-Aware for Industrial Facilities
Jiwei Yao, John Hedengren, Tao Gao, and Kody M. Powell, University of Utah and Brigham Young University

Biosecurity Strategies for Combating IUU Fishing: Protecting Ecosystems and Economies
Spencer Anderson, Utah State University

Exploring climate change adaptation for active transportation strategies: What can we learn from plans of large U.S. cities?
Nawshin Tabassum, Alessandro Rigolon, and Reid Ewing, University of Utah

Great Salt Lake Biosecurity
Jamie Parry, Utah State University

Land Use Based Wildfire Planning for Unincorporated Communities: An Analysis of CWPP in the Western US 
Suraksha Bhandari, Divya Chandrasekhar, Tasnim Isaba, and Francis Andre Loquellano, University of Utah

Optimal Tree Planting Locations to Benefit South Salt Lake
Corinne Bahr, Benjamin Chandler, Bailey Guinn, Andrew Hughes, Nate Shumway, and Kawsar Uddin, Utah State University

The Role of Non-Degree Credentials in Developing a Sustainable Workforce in Electrified Transportation Infrastructure
Foeday Zinnah and Angela Minichiello, Utah State University

Techno-Economic Analysis of Renewable Energy Systems. Case Study: Salt Lake County
Ali Khrosravani, Matthew DeHaan, Blake Billings, Julia Sieving, and Kody Powell, University of Utah

Thawing Arctic Unleashes Biosecurity and Sustainability Challenges
Logan Bolan, Utah State University

Sustainability Research (Undergraduate)

Air Pollution for Marginalized Groups in West Salt Lake Valley
McKay Jones, Utah Valley University

Mapping Potential Sidewalk Network Connectivity Improvements in Ogden, Utah
Max Richmond, Weber State University

Mitigating Herbivory Impacts on Aspen Forest Regeneration Through Fire and Mechanical Thinning in High-Grazing Landscapes
Chloe Denham, Brigham Young University

Size Matters? Park Cooling Counters Urban Heat Island Effects in Clearfield, Utah
Ben Allan, Weber State University


Green Design

Designing Bus Stops to Mitigate Urban Heat Islands (UHIs)
Parizad Saghari Chiha, University of Utah

Peak Performance: Sustainable Energy Solutions at PC MARC
Talon Townsend, Matthew R.T. Williams, Jiwei Yao, Matthew Millburn, and Sam Protopapas, University of Utah

Solar-Powered Water Purification: A Cost-Effective Approach for Clean Water Access
Kevin Shurtleff and Nathanael Salazar, Utah Valley University

Sustainability in Action

Dismount Zone at Library Plaza
Parizad Saghari Chiha, University of Utah

Double Your Bucks
Ella Leonelli, Utah State University

From Trash to Treasure: Turning Textile Waste into Public Art
Maggi Fessler, Weber State University

The Future of Sustainable Ogden: Trails, Trees, & Trade
Daniel Stewart, Jinni Messenger, Romina Aguado, Wil Blanch, Gerardo Castillo-Chacon, Isaac Espinosa, Jaxon Findlay, and Santiago Olmedo, Weber State University

Students and Sustainability: Preparing the Next Generation
Elsie Guertin, Kelly Parsley, and Emily Barnett, Carroll College

True Blue Reuse & Repair: Promoting Sustainable Consumption at Utah State University
Mercy Smith, Utah State University

USU Harvest Rescue: Reducing Food Waste While Increasing Food Security
Kate Anderson, Utah State University

Sustainability in Education

A Shift in Mindset Through Preservation and Waste Management
Amy Crookston, Weber State University

Beyond the Car: Aggie Blue Bike’s Guide to Bicycle Commuting
Gwendolyn Sepp, Utah State University

Enhancing Wildfire Resilience in Salt Lake City: Strategies for Prevention and Mitigation
Sarah Tahsin, University of Utah

Exploring Mushroom Based Materials in Design
Emily Swenson, Weber State University

Hemp Textiles
Mina Nydegger, Weber State University

The Impact of the Fast Furniture Industry on Textile Waste
Lerner Johnson, Weber State University

Sea Kayaking and Sustainability on Antelope Island
Jack Graves, Devin Hughes, and Sean Mahdi, Weber State University




Thank you GSBS Architects for your generous support. We truly appreciate your contribution and the impact it has made.