M.D. 1998 Yale University
I have been involved in supervising undergraduate research projects since 1992 when I was a postdoctoral scientist at the University of Arizona. Students are expected to secure their own research funding, to present their findings at national and international conferences, and to contribute to peer-reviewed publications. Highlights of this 30-year effort include:
- Directly supervised the research projects of 32 students, 26 of whom completed post- graduate degrees
- 1 M.D./Ph.D. degree
- 12 M.D. degrees
- 8 Ph.D. degrees
- 1 D.D.S. degree
- 4 M.S. degrees
- Ten peer-reviewed journal publications with student co-authors
- 24 peer-reviewed presentations by W.S.U. students at national and international meetings
- Six undergraduate and one Master’s theses
- Five national research awards
- $51,412 in competitive fellowships and grants, written by students
- Competitive student grants obtained from 14 different agencies
- 13 students elected to Sigma Xi on the basis of research accomplishments
- 12 (of 23 possible) Department of Zoology Laboratory Research Awards
Under my supervision, students learn to write grants, design and conduct experiments, collect and analyze data, and present their findings in peer-reviewed venues. Undergraduate research experience is an important component of a successful application to graduate and professional schools and almost all of my students have obtained postgraduate degrees:

Michael Schlosser

Pyong Kim
M.D. 1999 University of Arizona

Tasha Altheide
Ph.D. 2002 University of Arizona

Zac Forsman
Ph.D. 2003 University of Houston

Jed Poll
M.D. 2004 Medical College of Wisconsin

Christopher Ostler
M.S. 2005 Westminster College

Melissa Bentley
M.D. 2006 University of Utah

Justin Wilson
M.D. 2006 Penn State University

Kristina McKinley
M.D. 2007 University of Utah

Olga Freidekind
Ph.D. 2008 University of Heidelburg (Germany)

Aaron Anderson
M.D. 2008 University of Cincinnati

Kenneth Lindley
M.D. 2008 Ohio State University

Leah Colton
Ph.D. 2009 Colorado State University

Eric Gabrielsen
D.D.S. 2009 Ohio State University

Don Ericson
M.D. 2009 University of Utah

Ellen Suurmeyer
Ph.D. 2011 University of Arizona

Brian Oney
M.S. 2011 University of Bayreuth (Germany) Ph.D. 2016 ETH Zurich (Switzerland)

Haylie Cox
M.S. 2013 Weber State University

Christopher Hill
M.D. 2018 Penn State University, Hershey
Michal Matyjasik
Ph.D. 2019 University of Colorado, Boulder

Kelsey Hunziker
M.S. 2019
University of Edinburgh (Scotland)

Amanda Truong
M.D./Ph.D. 2021 University of Utah

Son Nguyen
M.D. 2021
University of Utah

Oscar Bedolla
M.D. 2022
University of Utah
Sabrina Haney
Ph.D. Program Washington State University
Student Highlight
Zoology student Madeleine Sorbonne received a national award for best research presentation in ecology and evolutionary biology at the International Forum on research Excellence, Alexandria, VA, November 2022.
View the details of each student, including their grants, fellowships, presentations, and publications. They are an impressive group!