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English Studies Emphasis

Deepen your knowledge of the English discipline without ever setting foot on campus. The English Studies emphasis is designed for students pursuing a more generalized master’s degree in an online environment. The same great courses and award-winning faculty, the same affordable tuition, but no commute.

Students pursuing the English Studies emphasis will demonstrate...

The ability to gather, analyze and communicate information and insights critically

The ability to closely read and analyze texts within historical contexts and critical frameworks

The ability to apply current scholarship and practice in their own writings

Employ discipline-specific terminology and conventions in their written, oral and/or multimodal presentations


You’ll take courses such as

  • Seminars in Literature
  • Rhetoric and Writing Studies
  • Teaching English
  • Creative Writing
  • Thesis or professional project

…and more

English Studies Thesis

In their final semester, students pursuing the English Studies emphasis can choose to submit a portfolio of their work or complete a thesis. Thesis projects are original works of literary criticism and/or analysis publication-length (6,000-7,000 words) and approaching publication quality.

Thesis projects are completed via independent study with a faculty mentor and two additional faculty comprising the thesis committee. Students wishing to continue their studies in a PhD program are highly encouraged to consider the thesis option.