Dual Degree Program
What is a Dual Degree?
Dual Degree MBA programs allow students to pursue two master's degrees simultaneously in much less time than it would take to pursue them individually. Two graduate degrees in different but complementary fields can uniquely position graduates for career and advancement opportunities. Students who complete the course requirements in both programs will receive two separate degrees and may file for graduation from one program before completing the course requirements in the other.
Admissions processes, credit hours and graduation qualification processes of dual degree programs vary. Specific information for each MBA dual degree is below.

MBA and MHA (Health Administration)
Please refer to the Weber State Master of Health Administration (MHA) website for admissions requirements and procedures. Students may enroll in the Virtual MBA track for an alternative way to take the program’s courses. Students choose either the MBA or the MHA as their primary degree. If admitted, students enroll with the major’s degree code of their primary degree choice, with the other degree listed as secondary.
Be Brilliant
1. Apply to the MBA and MHA programs with a single form. Applicants are admitted separately to each program at different times. See program websites for application deadlines. There’s a non-refundable application fee of $90 for the dual-degree application.
2. All application materials, questions and communications should be directed to the office of the applicant's preferred primary degree program.
3. Email the MBA Program's Assistant Director about your intention to complete a dual MBA/MHA.
4. Applications received by March 1st will be reviewed simultaneously by both programs and applicants will be notified regarding admission separately from each program. If applicants apply after March 1st, the MBA program reviews the application during its next regularly scheduled admission cycle and the MHA application the following March 1st.
5. Students receive both MBA and MHA degrees once all course requirements are complete.
Credit Hours
MHA as the primary degree: 24 additional credit hours (8 courses) to complete the MBA.
MBA as the primary degree: 24 additional credit hours (8 courses) to complete the MHA.
Please see the required courses in the PDF below.