Student Projects

Master-Slave Telemanipulation of Humanoid Robot Arm Using Data Glove

Students: Ethan Barlow, Parker Bentley, Chase Call and Huson Hiatt

Rocket Test - Major Tom - Peter Schilling

The Weber State University Department of Mechanical Engineering is partnering with the Miller Advanced Research & Solutions Center (MARS) to develop and test high temperature materials for use in rocket nozzles.  The Concept Hybrid Rocket Demonstrator (CHRD) developed by Dr. Dustin Birch over the past several years as part of the undergraduate senior capstone series is being modified for use as a testbed for various rocket nozzle materials.  Under the direction of Dr. Spencer Petersen, Dr. Ian Harvey, and Dr. Devin Young, rocket nozzle prototypes are being developed for test and subsequent durability evaluation.  The MARS manager Zach Golden, research engineers Ren Fisher, Ben Albert, Cazdyn Meacham, and Shelby Larsen, and student interns Sam Buit, Steve DiPani, Tyler Putnam, and Alize Juarez are also members of the research team and are supporting the design, development, and test efforts.

CNC Router Drawing Robot

Robotics Class Project By Richard Nielson, Parker Hunt, and Phillip MacKay

A modified (custom head) CNC Router to create drawings and sketches. This would allow users to enter drawings/sketches/logos and have the robot draw those instead of flawed drawings done by hand.

Drawing Arm To Demonstrate Forward and Inverse Kinematics. 

Robotics Class Project By Ethan Barlow, Jordan Bideaux, Ryan DaVisio, and John Bradford.

An intelligent bus servo robotic arm is modified for holding a drawing pen and programmed to demonstrate the forward/inverse kinematics using Denavit-Hartenburg Parameters.

Pizza Delivery Robot

Robotics Class Project By Sami Hallows, Jordan Barker, and Devin Carter

Integrate Robot Arm and RC car functionalities to deliver pizza slices at pre-defined destinations.


Line-Tracking Car

Robotics Class Project By Calvin Cook, Charles Jahsman, and Brian Nebeker

Automate a car that will use feedback controls to track and follow a dynamically moving pathway. The robot car uses raspberry pi with infrared sensors and follows lines under specific circumstances (black lines on a white background to detect differences between light absorption).

Mechanical Bird

By Jessica Lancaster, Anthony Waters, and Anthony Ash.
Design and manufacturing of an Ornithopter. Senior Project.

Robot Dog

By Nathan Malmberg
A robot dog kit. Programmed for voice control.

Hexapod Pathfinder

By Tyler Thomas and Kaden Griffin
A hexapod robot kit. Programmed to sense surrounding environments and travel through a maze.

Voice Controlled Robot Arm

By Abigail Bolton and Christopher Allen
A robot hand kit. Programmed it to make a voice-controlled manipulator that can sort different objects.

Drawing Robot

By Stockton McKay and Caleb Gatrell
A drawing robot that can draw pictures or patterns on paper. Built from scratch.

Sand Pattern Generation Device

By Andrew Achter and Carson Farr
A sand pattern generation device, that can create mazes or patterns on sand using a ball and magnet. Built from scratch.