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Medical Laboratory Sciences 


The information below demonstrates our commitment to the mission of the Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences and our programs accredited through NAACLS.

Upon satisfactory completion of the program (completion of associate degree level and/or baccalaureate degree level of university requirements), graduates are eligible to sit for the national certification exam offered by the American Society for Clinical Pathology Board of Certification (ASCP-BOC) exam. Granting of the degree from the MLS program is not contingent on passing an external certification exam.



 AAS Graduate Certification Rates 

The following table shows the pass rate for those who take the ASCP-BOC MLT exam within the first year of graduation.

Academic Year Number of Graduates Attempting Number of Graduates Passing Certification Percentage
2024* 7* 7* 100%*
2023* 71* 63* 89%*
2022 59 55 93%
2021 113 100 88%
Average 90%

Benchmark = 75% pass rate calculated by the most recent three year period.

*Data collection ongoing


AAS Graduation Rate

This table shows the number of students who began the final half of the MLT program and graduated, defined at Weber State University as those progressing past the first semester of the second year (campus) and students enrollment in Clinical Chemistry II. 

Academic Year Students Starting the Final Half of the MLT Program Number who did not Complete Final Semester Number of Students Graduating from the Program Graduation Percentage
2024* 49* 2* 25* 93%*
2023 100 6 93 96%
2022 85 7 74 93%
Average 94%

Benchmark = 70% graduation rate for those students who have begun the final half of the program calculated by the most recent three year period 

*Data collection ongoing, percentages based on projected graduates. 

AAS Post-Graduation Placement Rates

The post-graduation placement rate as defined by NAACLS is the number of AAS graduates who found employment (in the field or related field) and/or continued their education within one year of graduation.

Academic Year Placement Percentage
2024* 100%*
2023 100%
2022 100%
Average 100%


*Data collection ongoing


BS Graduate Certification Rates 

This table shows the pass rate for those who take the ASCP-BOC MLS exam within the first year of graduation.

Academic Year Number of Graduates Attempting Number of Graduates Passing Certification Percentage
2024* 5* 5* 100%*
2023* 55* 44* 80%*
2022 66 61 92%
2021 83 72 87%
Average 87%

Benchmark = 75% pass rate calculated by the most recent three year period.

*Data collection ongoing


BS Graduation Rate

This table shows the number of students who began the final half of the MLS program and graduated, defined at Weber State University as those enrolled in Advanced Hematology (campus) and students enrolled in MLS 4412 Sim Lab II (online). 

Academic Year Students Starting the Final Half of the MLS Program Number who did not Complete Final Semester Number of Students Graduating from the Program  Graduation Percentage
2024* 33* 0* 9* 100%*
2023 68 0 65 100%
2022 76 0 76 100%
Average 100%

Benchmark = 70% graduation rate for those students who have begun the final half of the program calculated by the most recent three year period

*Data collection ongoing, percentages based on projected graduates. 


BS Post-Graduation Placement Rates

The post-graduation placement rate as defined by NAACLS is the number of BS graduates who found employment (in the field or related field) and/or continued their education within one year of graduation.

Academic Year Placement Percentage
2024* 100%*
2023 100%
2022 100%
Average 100%


*Data collection ongoing