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Graduate Thesis Projects

All 日本一级片 MSAT students complete a master's thesis research project.  Students (individually or in small groups) are closely mentored by their faculty thesis chair to develop and conduct research studies.  Research Methods I (MSAT 6080) provides a foundation of research concepts, while Research Methods II and III (MSAT 6085 and 6090) are used to develop the project, collect and analyze the data, and prepare the final manuscript. 

Below are the master's thesis research projects that have been conducted recently.  Many of these projects have been presented at the National Athletic Trainers' Association Annual Clinical Symposium, other regional, national, or international conferences, and/or published in research journals.

2023 MSAT Graduates

Stephanie Aeschlimann
Project Title: The Effect of Kinesiology Tape at the Ankle on Biomechanics and Muscle Activation in People with CAI

Jessica Avila
Project Title: Comparing the effects of unilateral leg press exercises on restoring neuromuscular function after short-term knee immobilization.

Madison Bland
Project Title: The Effects of the GameReady 2.0 and Hyperice X on Skin Temperature

Abigail Chirco
Project Title: The Effect of Movement Coaching on Movement Competence Among Collegiate Athletes

Hyunjeong (Alice) Choi
Project Title: Acute and Residual Effects of IASTM and Percussion Massager on Hamstring Passive Range of Motion and Patient Satisfaction

Jonah Diaz
Project Title: Chronic Injuries in Mountain Biking: A Descriptive Survey

Taylor Goldsberry
Project Title:  Sport-Specific Movements and Performance on Artificial Turf and Natural Grass

Yoshihito Kinouchi
Project Title: Acute and Residual Effects of IASTM and Percussion Massager on Hamstring Active Range of Motion

Jacob Ness
Project Title: Coping with Chronic Ankle Instability; Differences in Kinetics and Muscle Activation during a drop landing task.

McKenzie Padovich
Project Title: Comparing the effects of unilateral leg press exercises on restoring quadriceps cross-sectional area after short-term knee immobilization.

Rachel Perkins
Project Title: Comparing the effects of unilateral leg press exercises on limb composition after short-term knee immobilization.

Brooklynn Probert
Project Title: The Working Relationships between Athletic Trainers and Coaches and Perceived Job Satisfaction

Hannah Ramsey
Project Title: A Survey of the Effect of Body-Weight Only Movement Training Program on Sport Readiness, Confidence, and Body Awareness

Tyler Rupe
Project Title: Correlation Between Subcutaneous Fat Thickness and Intramuscular Cooling for the GameReady 2.0 and Hyperice X

Lucas Venegas Vasquez
Project Title: Comparing the effects of unilateral leg press exercises on anabolic and catabolic blood biomarkers after short-term knee immobilization.

Brookelyn Watkins
Project Title: The Effects of the GameReady 2.0 and Hyperice X on Intramuscular Temperature

Mindi Zaugg
Project Title: Building Better Healthcare Through Improved AT and Athlete Relationships

2022 MSAT Graduates

Amanda Bates
Project Title: Anxiety and COVID-19 Among Student-Athletes and College Students

Marissa Brunner
Project Title: The Impact of Head Position on Muscle Activation During the Back Squat

Yabrei Butts
Project Title: Movement Competence and Athletic Injury Occurrence Among College Athletes

Matthew Castiana
Project Title: The Effects of the Game Ready® vs. a Frozen Elastic Bandage on Skin Temperature

Naoya Fujii
Project Title: The Effect of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation and Dynamic Stretching on Dynamic Balance

Nolan Hardiman
Project Title: Comparison of Active and Passive Recovery Strategies Between Repeated Bouts of Submaximal Exercise

Logan Matthews
Project Title: The Effects of the Game Ready® vs. a Frozen Elastic Bandage on Intramuscular Temperature

Yoko Nohara
Project Title: The Effect of The Effect of Static and Dynamic Cupping on Dorsiflexion Range of Motion, Pain,
and Hemodynamics

Mekha Omarimuhammad
Project Title: College Major Declaration in Relation to Athletic Identity Among Student-Athletes

Yuta Ozawa 
Project Title: The Effect of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation and Dynamic Stretching on Range of Motion
and Vertical Jump Performance

Samantha Schiess
Project Title: A Survey of College Athletes Readiness to Perform Weightlifitng: Confidence and Body Awareness

Chaerin Yeom
Project Title: The Effects of Compression Garments and Head Down Tilt Position for Immediate Recovery
during Submaximal Running

2021 MSAT Graduates

Breana Cutler
Project Title: Alternative Cooling Methods for Exercise-Induced Hyperthermia

Bailee Dopp
Project Title: The Effect of Plain Compression on Skin and Intramuscular Temperature after Treatment with a
Frozen Elastic Bandage

Baylee Houston
Project Title: Self-Myofascial Release and Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

Megan Larkins
Project Title: Self-Myofascial Release and Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

Shayde LeClair
Project Title: Intra-Rater Reliability of a Custom-Made Arch Height Device

Minsub Oh
Project Title: Assessing the Neuromuscular Effects of Localized Vibration at the Tendon Compared to
the Muscle Belly

Jenessa Richins
Project Title: Alternative Cooling Methods for Exercise-Induced Hyperthermia

Sydney Taylor
Project Title: The Effect of Plain Compression on Skin and Intramuscular Temperature after Treatment with a
Frozen Elastic Bandage

2020 MSAT Graduates

Baylie Crank
Project Title: The Effectiveness of Kinesio Tape® on EMG Activation of Lateral Ankle Dynamic Stabilizers

Mercedes Ealey
Project Title: Evaluation of Ankle Joint Space and Ligament Thickness Using Musculoskeletal Ultrasound

Noah John Erb
Project Title: Comparison of Acute Heat Exposure and Exercise on Measures of Cardiovascular Health

Sarah Giddens
Project Title: Cortisol and Lactate Levels During a Track Workout Versus a Pool Workout

Katherine Hamill
Project Title: Effectiveness of Tissue Flossing on Quadriceps Strength, Flexibility, and Functional Performance

Destiny Lalaguna
Project Title: The Effect of Blood Flow Restriction Training on Upper Body Strength of Collegiate Softball Athletes

Alexa Martin
Project Title: Evaluation of Ankle Joint Space and Ligament Thickness using Musculoskeletal Ultrasound

Danielle McCormick 
Project Title: Effects of Collegiate Cross-Country Training on Body Composition and Markers of Bone Remodeling

Ryo Nakazono
Project Title: The Effect of a Vibrating Foam Roller on Range of Motion and Pressure Pain Threshold

John Ogden 
Project Title: Effectiveness of Muscle Vibration on Quadriceps Strength, Flexibility, and Functional Performance

Ryanne Richey
Project Title: Effectiveness of Cupping on Quadriceps Strength, Flexibility, and Functional Performance

Whitney Russell
Project Title: Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Evaluation of Chronic Ankle Instability in Dancers

Ryosuke Sakai
Project Title: Do Bone Remodeling Biomarkers and Heel-Pad Thickness change in Runners during the Collegiate
Cross-Country Season?

Taylor Stapleton
Project Title: Positive Laxity Tests and Risk of Injury in Division I Female College Athletes

Tayley Stoddart
Project Title: The Effect of Kinesio Tape on Perceived Ankle Stability During Lower Extremity Dynamic Activity

Kelsey Warren
Project Title: Heart Rate and Perceived Exertion Levels During a Track Workout Versus a Pool Workout

2019 MSAT Graduates

Guillermo Arbeloa

Project Title:  Comparison of a Bag of Crushed Ice and a Double-length Frozen Elastic Bandage on Skin Temperature

Committee Chair: Valerie Herzog, EdD, ATC

Sara Ellefson

Project Title:  The Effect of an Anti-Cramping Supplement on Cramp Frequency in Collegiate Football Players

Committee Chair: Conrad Gabler, PhD, ATC 

Krysta Fryer

Project Title:  The Effect of an Anti-Cramping Supplement on Cramp Duration and Intensity in Collegiate Football Players

Committee Chair: Conrad Gabler, PhD, ATC 

Krizzel Galvez

Project Title:  The Effects of Unanticipated Cutting in Shod vs Non-Shod in Individuals with or without CAI

Committee Chair: Matthew Donahue, PhD, ATC

Karly Gifford

Project Title:  The Effect of Ankle Taping Techniques on Lower Extremity Landing Kinematics in Collegiate Football Players

Committee Chair: Conrad Gabler, PhD, ATC

Ruriko Hosaka

Project Title:  Comparison of a Bag of Crushed Ice and a Double-length Frozen Elastic Bandage on Intramuscular Temperature

Committee Chair: Valerie Herzog, EdD, ATC

Tyran Jones

Project Title:  A Pilot Study on the Effects of Eccentric Versus Concentric Strengthening on Shoulder Force and Range of Motion

Committee Chair: Chad Smith, PhD 

John Lee

Project Title:  The Acute and Residual Effects of IASTM and Roller Massage Stick on Active Hamstring Range of Motion

Committee Chair: Valerie Herzog, EdD, ATC

Courtney Miller

Project Title:  The Effects of Peristaltic Pulsed Pneumatic Compression on DOMS Recovery in Active Individuals

Committee Chair: Matthew Donahue, PhD, ATC

Brandon Shapiro

Project Title:  The Effects of Peristaltic Pulsed Pneumatic Compression on DOMS Recovery in Active Individuals

Committee Chair: Matthew Donahue, PhD, ATC 

Jacob Sherer

Project Title:  The Effect of Ankle Taping Techniques on Landing Error Scoring System Ratings in Collegiate Football Players

Committee Chair: Conrad Gabler, PhD, ATC 

Jessica Vlisides-Henry

Project Title:  Stationary Dry Cupping Effects on Quadriceps' Function Immediately Following and 24 Hours after a Fatigue Protocol

Committee Chairs: Saori Hanaki, PhD, ATC, Collin Herb, PhD, ATC

Annie Michelle Young

Project Title:  The Acute and Residual Effects of IASTM and Roller Massage Stick on Passive Hamstring Range of Motion

Committee Chair: Valerie Herzog, EdD, ATC


2018 MSAT Graduates

Andrew Birschbach
Project Title: Kinematics and Kinetics During Running Gait in Patients in Chronic Ankle Instability Compared to Healthy Controls
Committee Chair: Collin Herb, PhD, ATC

Samantha Boehm
Project Title: The Effects of a Resistance Training Protocol on Acute Hormonal Responses in Women
Committee Chair:  Chad Smith, PhD

Carly Breitweiser
Project Title: The Reliability of Diagnostic Ultrasound for Assessing Patellar Position under Various Extrinsic Conditions
Committee Chair:  Conrad Gabler, PhD, ATC 

Kayden Burbank
Project Title: Kinematics and Kinetics During Running Gait in Chronic Ankle Instability Compared to Ankle Sprain Copers
Committee Chair: Collin Herb, PhD, ATC 

Zachary Carey 
Project Title: The Effect of a Frozen Elastic Bandage on Skin Temperature
Committee Chair:  Valerie Herzog, EdD, ATC

Byrnadeen Farraye
Project Title: The Effect of Kinesiology Tape on Balance in Dancers with Ankle Instability
Committee Chair:  Valerie Herzog, EdD, ATC

Cameron Hein
Project Title: Force Development and Muscle Activation; An Examination Using Three Variations of the Deadlift
Committee Chair:  Matthew Donahue, PhD, ATC

Jordawn Jones 
Project Title: Stress, Quality of Life, and Social Support in Athletic Training Students
Committee Chair:  Collin Herb, PhD, ATC

HoWon Kim
Project Title: Kinematics and Kinetics During Running Gait Before and After Cryotherapy in Chronic Ankle Instability Patients
Committee Chair:  Collin Herb, PhD, ATC 

Theresa Kindsvogel 
Project Title: Stress, Quality of Life and Social Support in Collegiate Student Athletes
Committee Chair:  Collin Herb, PhD, ATC 

Benjamin Reeves 
Project Title: The Effect of Compression Socks on Blood Lactate after Endurance Running
Committee Chair:  Valerie Herzog, EdD, ATC

Danielle Schabowsky
Project Title: The Effects of McConnell Tape and High-Intensity Exercise on Patellar Position using Diagnostic Ultrasound
Committee Chair:  Conrad Gabler, PhD, ATC

Taylor Spencer 
Project Title: Force Development and Muscle Activation; An Examination Using Three Variations of the Deadlift
Committee Chair:  Matthew Donahue, PhD, ATC

Jamie Stein
Project Title: Characterization of Drum Corps Hydration Practices and their Effect on Athletes’ Hydration Status
Committee Chair:  David Aguilar-Alvarez, PhD 

Kaleen Trout 
Project Title: The Effect of a Frozen Elastic Bandage on Intramuscular Tissue Temperature
Committee Chair:  Valerie Herzog, EdD, ATC

Jaap van Gaalen
Project Title: Prospective Study of Injuries Sustained in an Active Mountain Community
Committee Chair:  Matthew Donahue, PhD, ATC

Satoshi Yamakage
Project Title: The Effects of a Novel Anti-Cramping Supplement on Anaerobic Power and Spinal-Reflexive Excitability
Committee Chair:  Conrad Gabler, PhD, ATC

Odessa Yazzie 
Project Title: The Effects of a Resistance Training Protocol on Acute Hormonal Responses in Women
Committee Chair:  Chad Smith, PhD

2017 MSAT Graduates

Danvirg Breton
Project Title: Is Thermostim an Effective Heating and Cooling Modality?
Committee Chair: Collin Herb, PhD, ATC 

Tyler Clonts
Project Title: The Effect of Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM) on Achilles Tendon Cross-Sectional Area 
Committee Chair: Matthew Donahue, PhD, ATC 

Marissa Cook
Project Title: Seasonal Variations of Anthropometric and Physiological Measurements in Collegiate Female Soccer Players
Committee Chair: Matt Denning, PhD   

Danielle Dearden
Project Title: Effects of a Five-Week Supervised Training Program on Static and Dynamic Balance in Subjects with CAI
Committee Chair: Valerie Herzog, EdD, ATC   

Joseph Ferguson
Project Title: Effects of Ferritin on Hemoglobin and Inflammatory Markers in Division I Cross-Country Runners
Committee Chair: David Aguilar-Alvarez, PhD   

Kendra Gilmore
Project Title: The Effect of a Five-week Supervised Training Program on Core Endurance in Subjects with CAI
Committee Chair: Valerie Herzog, EdD, ATC    

Teraka Gonzalez
Project Title: Is Thermostim an Effective Heating and Cooling Modality?
Committee Chair: Collin Herb, PhD, ATC 

Stephanie Goth
Project Title: The Effect of Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM) on two measurements of Ankle Dorsiflexion
Committee Chair: Matthew Donahue, PhD, ATC 

Amanda Jennings
Project Title: Is Thermostim an Effective Heating and Cooling Modality?
Committee Chair: Collin Herb, PhD, ATC  

Jordan Johnson
Project Title: The Effect of Kinesio Tape on Ankle Kinematics During a Functional Cutting Task
Committee Chair: Matthew Donahue, PhD, ATC  

Eni Kinikini
Project Title: Evaluation of the Effects of Three Training Protocols on Repeated Sprint Ability and VO2 Max
Committee Chair: Chad Smith, PhD   

JungHa Lee
Project Title: Rate of Temperature Rise and Decay with 3-MHz Therapeutic Ultrasound Using Different Intensities
Committee Chair: Valerie Herzog, EdD, ATC    

Christine Lewis 
Project Title: Psychological Strategies Effect on Rehabilitation of Patients with Knee Joint Injuries
Committee Chair: Collin Herb, PhD, ATC  

Jason Meharry
Project Title: The Effect of White Tape on Ankle Kinematics During a Functional Cutting Task
Committee Chair: Matthew Donahue, PhD, ATC    

Chase Nelson
Project Title: Stretch Window Manipulation: Low vs. High Diathermy Treatment
Committee Chair: Valerie Herzog, EdD, ATC

Daniel Rogers
Project Title: The Effect of Prolonged Static Stretching and Shortwave Diathermy on Hamstring Flexibility
Committee Chair: Valerie Herzog, EdD, ATC

Charlene Wichman
Project Title: Lower Extremity Kinematic Differences in Individuals with Chronic Ankle Instability (CAI)
Committee Chair: Matthew Donahue, PhD, ATC    

2016 MSAT Graduates

Maria Bartoletti
Project Title: Intramuscular and Skin Temperature Decreases with Direct Contact Cryotherapy vs. Cryo-Compression Units
Committee Chair: Jennifer Ostrowski, PhD, ATC

Matthew Berg
Project Title: Achilles Tendon Changes Over Time and Recovery with Therapeutic Modalities in Cross Country Athletes
Committee Chair: Justin Rigby, PhD, ATC

Rielly Byrd
Project Title: Effects of Unloaded Body Weight Supported Running on Physiological and Neuromuscular Factors
Committee Chair: Matthew Denning, PhD

Jennifer Corder
Project Title: The Effects of Vibration Training Program on Static Balance Compared to Airex Foam Pad
Committee Chair: Valerie Herzog, EdD, ATC

Kayla Cunningham
Project Title: Cross Education Effect of Vibration and Airex Training Programs on Static Proprioception
Committee Chair: Valerie Herzog, EdD, ATC

Stephen Escobar
Project Title: Kinematic Alternations in Individuals with Chronic Ankle Instability During a Cutting Task
Committee Chair: Matthew Donahue, PhD, ATC

Tyler Golden
Project Title: The Effects of Music Genre on Power Performance
Committee Chair: Rodney Hansen, PhD

Jolynn Leisinger
Project Title: Intramuscular and Skin Temperature Decreases with Direct Contact Cryotherapy vs Cryo-Compression Units
Committee Chair: Jennifer Ostrowski, PhD, ATC

Jayson Nielsen
Project Title: The Effect of Kinesiology Taping on Lower Extremity Static Balance
Committee Chair: Valerie Herzog, EdD, ATC

Candace Perkins
Project Title: Achilles Tendon Changes Over Time and Recovery with Therapeutic Modalities in Cross Country Athletes
Committee Chair: Justin Rigby, PhD, ATC

Angelina Purchio
Project Title: Intramuscular and Skin Temperature Decreases with Direct Contact Cryotherapy vs Cryo-Compression Units
Committee Chair: Jennifer Ostrowski, PhD, ATC

Joshua Sponbeck
Project Title: Achilles Tendon Changes Over Time and Recovery with Therapeutic Modalities in Cross Country Athletes
Committee Chair: Justin Rigby, PhD, ATC

Raeann Stuart
Project Title: The Inter- and Intra-Rater Reliability of Functional Movement Screening among Novice Clinicians
Committee Chair: Valerie Herzog, EdD, ATC

Mikayla Thielges
Project Title: Comparison of an Active Warm-up vs. Passive Warm-up on Vertical Jump Performance
Committee Chair: Chad Smith, PhD

Laura Wind
Project Title: Ferritin Levels in Male and Female NCAA Division I Cross Country Athletes
Committee Chair: Rodney Hansen, PhD

2015 MSAT Graduates

Jessica Benedetti
Project Title: The Effects of a Long-Toss Throwing Program on Throwing Velocity
Committee Chair: Brian McGladrey, PhD

Diana Bocklund
Project Title: A Comparison of 3 Deep-Heating Therapeutic Modalities: MegaPulse Shortwave Diathermy, ReBound Shortwave Diathermy, and 1 MHz Ultrasound
Committee Chair: Jennifer Ostrowski, PhD, ATC

Mihyang Chang
Project Title: The Effects of Integrated Core Strengthening Exercises on Lower Extremity Proprioception in Healthy Subjects
Committee Chair: Valerie Herzog, EdD, ATC

Megan Devine
Project Title: Effects of an Ankle Strength and Balance Protocol on Female Collegiate Athletes
Committee Chair: Matthew Donahue, PhD, ATC

Tyler Ellis
Project Title: The Effect of Creatine Supplementation on Lactic Acid and Glucose Kinetics during a Criterium-like Cycling Protocol
Committee Chair: Rodney Hansen, PhD

Claire Ely
Project Title: A Comparison of 3 Deep-Heating Therapeutic Modalities: MegaPulse Shortwave Diathermy, ReBound Shortwave Diathermy, and 1 MHz Ultrasound
Committee Chair: Jennifer Ostrowski, PhD, ATC

Haley Evans
Project Title: A Comparison of 3 Deep-Heating Therapeutic Modalities: MegaPulse Shortwave Diathermy, ReBound Shortwave Diathermy, and 1 MHz Ultrasound
Committee Chair: Jennifer Ostrowski, PhD, ATC

Sara Gralitzer
Project Title: Quantifying Physical Rest in Post Concussion Care by Gathering Baseline Data on Healthy NCAA Athletes
Committee Chair: Valerie Herzog, EdD, ATC

Bo Johnson
Project Title: The Effect of Unilateral vs Bilateral Resistance Training on Individuals with Chronic Ankle Instability
Committee Chair: Matthew Donahue, PhD, ATC

Sharayah Kenady
Project Title: The Effects of a Unilateral Versus a Bilateral Warm-Up on Squat Performance
Committee Chair: Brian McGladrey, PhD

Tim Lei
Project Title: The Effect of Creatine Supplementation on Lactic Acid and Glucose Kinetics during a Criterium-like Cycling Protocol
Committee Chair: Rodney Hansen, PhD

Molly Leonard
Project Title: Evaluating the Knowledge and Attitudes of Parents toward Concussion Education
Committee Chair: Valerie Herzog, EdD, ATC

Elika Parivar
Project Title: Quantifying Physical Rest in Post Concussion Care by Gathering Baseline Data on Healthy NCAA Athletes
Committee Chair: Valerie Herzog, EdD, ATC

Ruthanna Rosner
Project Title: Evaluating the Knowledge and Attitudes of Parents toward Concussion Education
Committee Chair: Valerie Herzog, EdD, ATC

2014 MSAT Graduates

Haley Bryson
Project Title: Examining the Effects of Relaxation Modalities on Physiological Stress
Committee Chair: Jordan Hamson-Utley, PhD, LAT, ATC

Rochelle Collinwood
Project Title: A Retrospective Review of the Evolution of Physical Therapy Education
Committee Chair: Jennifer Ostrowski, PhD, ATC

Caitlyn Crowley
Project Title: Effect of Salted Ice Bags on Surface and Intramuscular Tissue Rewarming Rates
Committee Chair: Jennifer Ostrowski, PhD, ATC

George Egan
Project Title: Injuries and Mechanisms in Elite Skiing and Snowboarding Superpipe Competitions
Committee Chair: Matthew Donahue, PhD, LAT, ATC

Cassandra Glodowski
Project Title: Identifying Incidence of Concussion Injury Non-Report in NCAA (Division I, II, III) Women's Soccer
Committee Chair: Jordan Hamson-Utley, PhD, LAT, ATC

Frank Holowka
Project Title: The Effects of Heat Packs on Severity of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness
Committee Chair: Rodney Hansen, PhD

Eric Hunter
Project Title: Effect of Salted Ice Bags on Surface and Intramuscular Tissue Cooling Rates
Committee Chair: Jennifer Ostrowski, PhD, ATC

Yo han Kim
Project Title: The Effect of Static Stretching on Consecutive Isometric Contractions
Committee Chair: Rodney Hansen, PhD

Justin King
Project Title: Comparison of Individuals with Chronic Ankle Instability and Copers in the Star Excursion Balance Test
Committee Chair: Matthew Donahue, PhD, LAT, ATC

Takeshi Kitamura
Project Title: An Investigation of Muscle Activation during SEBT in individuals with and without CAI
Committee Chair: Matthew Donahue, PhD, LAT, ATC

Brent Marshall
Project Title: The Current Status of Professional-Level Master’s in Athletic Training Programs
Committee Chair: Jennifer Ostrowski, PhD, ATC

Debra Rink
Project Title: Evaluation of S100B Protein to Evaluate Concussions in Dew Tour Snowboard and Ski Athletes
Committee Chair: Jordan Hamson-Utley, PhD, LAT, ATC

Jared Romero
Project Title: Gender Equity in Medical Coverage of Men’s and Women’s College Basketball Programs
Committee Chair: Valerie Herzog, EdD, LAT, ATC

Chris Seul
Project Title: Variations in Force Impulse and Peak Force Output in Infantry Boots vs Traditional Running Shoes
Committee Chair: Rodney Hansen, PhD

Andrew Stradley
Project Title: Comparison of Individuals with Chronic Ankle Instability and Copers in Standing Dorsiflexion
Committee Chair: Matthew Donahue, PhD, LAT, ATC

Justin Valdez
Project Title: The Effects of Back Squat versus Front Squat on Vertical Jump Performance
Committee Chair: Brian McGladrey, PhD, CSCS

Jessica Wagstaff
Project Title: Examining the Effects of Relaxation Modalities on Perceived Levels of Stress
Committee Chair: Jordan Hamson-Utley, PhD, LAT, ATC

2013 MSAT Graduates

Courtney Allen
Project Title: Incidence of Concussion in Competitive Skiing and Snowboarding
Committee Chair: Valerie Herzog, EdD, LAT, ATC

Nathan Blackhurst
Project Title: A Comparison of Static Stretching Versus Combined Static and Ballistic
Committee Chair: Valerie Herzog, EdD, LAT, ATC

Adrian Eads
Project Title: A Study of Knowledge and Practical Skill Performance in University Students: A Comparison of Enriched versus Traditional Classroom Instruction
Committee Chair: Jordan Hamson-Utley, PhD, LAT, ATC

Laramie Francis
Project Title: Epidemiology of Fall-Related Concussions Among Professional BMX Athletes in the Dew Tour
Committee Chair: Valerie Herzog, EdD, LAT, ATC

James Frew
Project Title: Anatomical Factors Predisposing Physically Active Obese Females to Lower-Leg Injury
Committee Chair: Rodney Hansen, PhD

Adam Huffield
Project Title: The Effects of Using Resistance Bands on Barbell Squat Technique
Committee Chair: Brian McGladrey, PhD

Adam Hunsaker
Project Title: Concussion-related Biomarkers in a College Football Player with a Subdural Hematoma: a Case study
Committee Chair: Jordan Hamson-Utley, PhD, LAT, ATC

Micah Moeai
Project Title: Evaluation of Serum Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 to Evaluate Concussions in Division I Collegiate Football Athletes
Committee Chair: Rodney Hansen, PhD

Garrett Mossbarger
Project Title: An Exploratory analysis of a Rapid Sideline screening test for Concussion: a comparison of gender and sport type baselines in college and elite athletes using the King-Devick Test iPad app
Committee Chair: Jordan Hamson-Utley, PhD, LAT, ATC

Elizabeth Strawbridge
Project Title: The Effects of Kinesio Tape on Ankle Range of Motion, Gastrocnemius Strength, Vertical Jump Height, and Functional Performance
Committee Chair: Matthew Donahue, PhD, LAT, ATC

Katy Stromswold
Project Title: An Epidemiological Study of Injuries Sustained During Professional Freestyle Skiing Superpipe
Committee Chair: Valerie Herzog, EdD, LAT, ATC

Jonathan Stroud
Project Title: Evaluation of Serum C - reactive protein to Evaluate Concussions in Division I Collegiate Football Athletes
Committee Chair: Rodney Hansen, PhD

Nathan Zahn
Project Title: Ground Reaction Force and Foot-Strike Differences between Running Shoes and Racing Spikes in Distance Runners
Committee Chair: Rodney Hansen, PhD