Submit transcripts two weeks before the to allow time for processing. See the transcript requirements and submission options below.
Submit official transcripts from all higher education institutions you have attended. (If you are a Weber State graduate, contact the Records Office and request that your transcripts be sent to the address below).
Submission Instructions:
You may submit your official transcript(s) in one of the following ways:
Preferred Method: Request that your transcripts be sent securely and electronically from the degree-granting institution to
MSCS Admissions Committee
College of Engineering, Applied Science, & Technology
Noorda Building
1465 Edvalson St. Dept. 1801
Ogden, UT 84408-1801
Print these instructions for future reference.
By Mail: Transcripts must be sent UNOPENED in their original sealed envelope to the following address: Alternative Methods: Request your official transcripts online through the to be sent to Weber State. Send a copy of your request to so we can follow up with the admissions office.