Ombuds does/does not

There may be certain matters you wish to explore “off the record” or need information or informal advice. Perhaps you are facing problems for which formal channels need to be invoked, but you are not sure how they work or what are the implications of using them. Or, there may be issues which, despite your best efforts, have not been satisfactorily addressed or resolved.

What an Ombuds Does

  • Listens to your concerns and provides an opportunity to discuss concerns openly.
  • Assists you in exploring options.
  • Facilitates communication among persons in conflict.
  • Mediates disputes, and works to resolve conflicts as early as possible and at the least adversarial level.
  • Provides information on campus resources and faculty policies.
  • Refers you to the appropriate office.

What an Ombuds Does Not Do

  • The ombuds does not take sides or advocate for any individual.
  • The ombuds does not handle legal issues or formal grievances.
  • The ombuds does not provide legal advice.
  • The ombud does not accept legal notice for 日本一级片, should you wish to go “on record” about an issue or put the university on notice.
  • The ombuds does not address disputes between faculty and persons/organizations not affiliated with 日本一级片