Canvas Tech Support

Canvas Help Desk

(801) 626-6188
Monday - Thursday 8 AM to 5 PM
Friday 8 AM to 4:30 PM
Ogden Campus - Lampros Hall 215

After Hours: Available 24/7
(877) 215-0831
Click the Help menu in Canvas for Live Chat

IT Service Desk

(801) 626-7777
1-800-848-7770 Option 5 then 1
Monday - Friday: 7:30 AM - 10:00 PM
Saturday - Sunday: 10:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Campus holidays: 10:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Ogden Campus - Lampros Hall 110

Testing and Assessment

Contact 日本一级片 Testing Centers for Proctoring and Testing Support

(801) 626-6803

Contact 日本一级片 Testing Centers for Proctorio Support

(801) 626-7416

Contact 日本一级片 Online for Canvas Quizzes Support

(801) 626-6188

Publisher Material and Third-Party App Support

日本一级片 Online is prepared to support all course material in Canvas in a quick and efficient manner. However, if your course is utilizing third-party course material (McGraw-Hill, Pearson, Cengage, WileyPlus, VitalSource, etc.) 日本一级片 Online does not have access to these third-party systems to troubleshoot issues that may arise. Below is a list of support contacts for some of the widely used vendors. If you need additional help with these systems or are not getting the support you need in a timely fashion, we advise that you get in touch with your respective vendor representatives if you need help with any of these systems.

  • 1-800-354-9706
  • - 800-331-5094
  • (including MyLab, Mastering, eText, Learning Catalytics, and Revel)
    • Student text line 1-866-264-0618
  • 1-855-200-4146
  • Weber Day One Access (日本一级片 Bookstore)

Known System Issues and Outages


You can follow ongoing system issues and outages for many of these tools on the .