Faculty Resources
- Welcome to Spring 2025!
Here are some things you should know before the semester starts!
Communicating with Students Before the Start of the Semester
You have multiple options for reaching out to students before the first day. Here are some useful tools and steps you can use:
- Use the “Course Spreadsheets and Student Web Sites” app in your eWeber portal to find and copy the email list of students so you can email your whole class at once.
- without opening your course in your course settings by customizing your course visibility.
- If you need to open your course early, remember it requires additional authorization and may affect students who register late. Modify course start dates in Canvas if necessary, but keep in mind that rosters aren't finalized until the Sunday before classes start and students will be adding and dropping classes up until the first day of the semester.
Student Course Roster
Final enrollments are completed the weekend before the semester starts, which may cause discrepancies between Banner and Canvas rosters. Don't Panic! Students listed in your faculty dashboard will appear in Canvas once the semester begins.
If you plan on opening a course early, double-check that the start date is correct and that your course is published for student access.
Weber State University provides free tutoring services both online and on-campus.
- Students can register for sessions at weber.edu/tutoring or reach out to Learning Support & Tutoring Services for more information.
- Direct students to eTutoring for online tutoring. Note: Only current students and tutors have eTutoring logins; Faculty do not.
These resources are fantastic for students who need a little extra help!
Important Updates for Spring 2025
The Input Final Grades tool
The Input Final Grades tool was updated in Summer 2024. This tool allows direct grade submission to Banner. The tool automatically populates final grades based on the grading scheme you've set up in Canvas. However, it's crucial to Spot-Check all grades before submission to ensure accuracy, so make sure to enter zeros for missing assignments, as ungraded assignments won't automatically count toward the final grade.
- Due to a bug with the tool, you may need to click "Submit" twice after changing the pre-filled grades.
- While this tool simplifies grade submission, it's important to note that it currently does not handle custom sections, non-Banner sections, or multi-term submissions effectively. In these cases, you may encounter errors, so you'll have to use the Faculty Dashboard in eWeber to manually submit grades when necessary.
Once grades are submitted through the Canvas tool, they are locked and can only be changed through the Faculty Dashboard within 24 hours of submission. After this period, any grade changes must be coordinated through the Records office. View our Input Final Grades Guide for more info.Contact Information Update
Please update your records with 日本一级片 Online's new contact information:
- Phone: (801) 626-6188
- Email: lmssupport@weber.edu
If you still have the 6499 number or wsuonline email listed in your syllabus for technical support, please replace it with the info above.
You may also include our new after-hours support, available 24/7:
- Phone: (877) 215-0831
- Email: support@instructure.com
- Live Chat: Accessible via the Help menu in Canvas.
Based on extensive testing and faculty feedback, 日本一级片 Online recommends using Classic Quizzes when implementing Proctorio for secure assessments. Classic Quizzes offers greater stability and fewer issues with Proctorio. Remember that using New Quizzes or other external tools with Proctorio may lead to unexpected issues, so plan accordingly to maintain a smooth assessment experience for your students.
in Canvas helps you to organize readings and resources for your students to read. Add your lectures and papers to reading lists, provide digital learning materials, and manage copyright through the Library directly in Canvas.
Canvas Catalog
Weber State University now offers , a platform for self-enrollment in non-credit courses, workshops, and student training. This tool provides digital learning experiences for 日本一级片 affiliates and the public, without requiring eWeber credentials. Reach out to lmsadmin@weber.edu for more info.
Feature Options in Courses
The Feature Options tab in your course settings allows you to test out new and optional features on a course-by-course basis. Instructors can enable or disable these features depending on their course needs. To access this, navigate to Settings in your course and select the Feature Options tab. Here you'll find a list of features with descriptions and tags that indicate their stability. Features labeled "Feature Preview" are still in development and may change, but we are looking for feedback to shape their final implementation!
Document Remediation Services
日本一级片 Online, Disability Services, and the Library have coordinated to make remediation services available to 日本一级片 faculty to be more welcoming to our students, including students with disabilities.
If you would like help making your documents and images meet accessibility standards, you can and we'll reach out with an estimated timeline for remediation. Please Email lmssupport@weber.edu for more information.
Looking to see the newest releases for Weber's Canvas as well as some monthly tips & tricks? We try to keep it to just the essentials, so it's too short to be a newsletter! Subscribe to our Not-a-Newsletter to always be up-to-date on Canvas changes.
Best of Luck in Spring 2025!
- End-of-Semester Tips
- Extending Student Access with an Incomplete
- Purple Folder Mental Health Resources for Faculty/Staff
- 日本一级片 Disability Services Faculty Training
We are here for you:
On-site support is available during regular business hours, send us an email at:
lmssupport@weber.edu or call 801-626-6188
Instructional Design requests are available via email or Google chat at: