Grant Archive
- 2024-2025
October 2024
- Autonomous Drone and Base Station Continuation: Joseph Shipley, Dallen Keever
- The Impact of Victim Religiosity on Rape, Victim Blame, and Credibility: Layla Manzanares, Carly Barlow, Madison Arave
- Train Detection and Warning System: Karlie D'Apuzzo, Raphael Jara
- Microplastic Accumulation in Shoreline Sediments of the Ogden River System: Kenley Stanger, Davis Swanson
- Glomerulus Capsule for In-lab Instruction: Abigail Neering, William Andrus, Jack Christensen, Daniel Hedges, Mitchell Keck, Julia Reyna, Natcin Sorensen, Hunter Vradenburgh
- Computer Vision Based Autonomous System for a Chess Playing Platform: Brian Dyer, Hunter Pitts, Carter Fritz, Caleb Ingram, Charlie Jahsman, Dallin Baird, Blake Bushman
- On Solid Ground: Hannah Scalambrino, Zane Smart
- Altruistic Light Experiment: Jacob Kidd, Stockton Poll, Richard Houghton, Nocholas Vanderwarf, Jonah Powers
- Lab On a Chip: Optimization of Microfluidic Flow: Hayden Barry, Zachary Argyle, Dakoda Thacker, Daniel Nelson, Jackson Henderson, Jacob Bowman, Jacob Shuman
- Analysis of Zinc Oxide Crystals with Various D and F Block Oxide Dopants: Kami Christensen
- AI-assisted Defect Detection System for Rocket Motor Shells: Christopher Pantle, Rebeca Gomez, Shaylee Hansen, Kaden Lott, Hayden Pitts, Eugene Kim, Austin Horne
- 2023-2024
April 2024
- Thirteen Days, Thirteen Stories: Nike Peterson
- Examining the Effect of Plants in the Classroom on College Student Mental Health and Academic Experiences: Taylor Evans
- Autonomous Pool Navigating Sub: Ryan Le, Ben Stone
- Heat Island Mitigation Through the Use of Urban Parks in Clearfield City: Ben Allan
- In Cold Blood: Prevalence of Parasites in Sexual and Parthenogenetic Whiptail Lizards: Kyle Sparks
- Expression of mTOR and Akt Genes in Zebrafish with Human Autism: Marina Sidenko
- Blood Group Genotype and Iron Testing in an Individual with Microcytic Anemia: Alexis Vigil, Oakley James, Taylor Poulson
- Retinotectal Arborization in a Zebrafish Model of Human Autism: Sylvia Martinez, Nora Mead-Fajardo, Selafina Ngalu
- Self-Adjusting Dress Form Senior Project: Caylee Hall
February 2024
- Development of AI Assisted Robotic Arm for Robot-Human Interaction - Paige Dawson, Kylee Ercanbrak, Braxton Trujillo, Harrison McNeil
- Assessing the Quality of Weber State University’s Drinking Water: An Investigation into Lead and Copper Contamination - Ben Cornwall, Tara Tankersley, Rebekah Nilson, Jon Henriod, Ethan Mayfield
- Autonomous Library System - Innocent Abraham
- Radiometric Dating of the Farmington Canyon Complex - Jon Henriod
- The Effects of Age and Habitat Quality on Fall Migration Decisions in Lazuli Buntings (Passerina amoena) - Kenton Bustin
- Acoustic Defense Solution for Acoustic Denial of Service Attacks on Hard Disk Drives - Esmaeil Mousavi
- Impact of Postfire Management on biodiversity of Ectomycorrhizal Fungi - Danielle Barbera
- Inhibition of Staphylococcus aureus biofilm formation using lactic acid bacterial species - Caden Wheeler
- Exploring the Lived Experience of Youth with Type 1 Diabetes - Carter Leuba
November 2023
- Reducing Pathogenicity of Candida auris Through Biofilm Disruption - Brock Van Alfen, Sydney Johnson
- The Effects of Oral Microbiome on Blood Plasma Nitrogen Species Levels - Jeremy Chavez, Afton Green, Rylan Schmanski
- Assessment of a Polyethylene Glycol Based Bivalent Bacteriophage Treatment for Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus in an In Vitro Tissue Model - Grace Richardson, Rachel Wight, Madelyn Terry
- Advancing Environmental Analysis through Supercontinuum Spectroscopy - Jacob Watts
- Measuring Heat Radiation in Rocket Nozzles - Randy Stroud, Grady Tanner, Kenneth Anderson, Colby Clem, Braxton Ferrin
- Wasatch National Forest Boreal Owl (Aegolius funereus) Survey - Connor Johnson
- Elucidating the Role of TOX on Melanoma Cell Migration and Invasion - Allison Stevens
- Inhibition of Aurora Kinase A Through Simple Small Molecule Drugs with a Chalcone Scaffold - Bryan Kelley
- ATR-Ellipsometry Liquid Cell - Madison Meaney, Mar Diehl Quantification of Shoreline Microplastics - Kenley Stanger
- When Every Vote Counts: The Erosion of Conformity's Impact on Voting Behavior - Niko Dawson
- Quantifying Heavy Metal Concentrations in Samples of Locally Produced Chocolate - Hannah Verhaal
- AI and Artists' Perceptions - Katelyn Wilson
October 2023
- Brain-eating Amoeba Rescue-of-infection Model Using Drug Combination - Karissa Bauer
- MRSA Induced Biofilm Clearance by Bacteriophage and Antibiotics - Rainey Hughes, Yeshi Dudde, Avalon Marker, Elizabeth Bouwhuis, Scot Carrington
- Large Scale 3D Printer - Britton Meade, Maximus Cortes, Ryan Silver, Taylor Lloyd, Kimberly Montgomery
- The Effect of Surface Treatments on PDMS Hydrophilicity - Korbin Shaw, Jacob Gunnell, James Hall, Lincoln Dalby, Zach Bell
- The Effects of Individual and Regional Differences on ANEW Ratings - Benson Bush
- Does One’s Transgender Status Affect Hiring Decisions? An Exploratory Study - Jai Earhart, Aonika Russell
- 2022-2023
April 2023
- The Relationship between Joint Laxity and Serum Relaxin in Female Athletes - Alonna Jones
- Creation of Neuroscience Laboratories Using Archival Brain Sections - Madisyn Carrington
- Autonomous Drone and Base Station - Christopher Carlsen
- Northern River Otter Population Survey - Holly Thelin
- Research Proves that Aeroponics and Vertical Farming Grow Alfalfa More Efficiently in Utah - Caden Bankhead
- Latin American Marital Attitudes - Ryan Robinson
- What Are the Enduring Climate Effects of Redline Districts in Ogden? - Abbey Soukup
- Effects of Beaver-engineered Wetlands to Biodiversity at Ogden Nature Center - Ian Robinson
- The Urban Park Cooling Effect Along the Ogden River Parkway - Ian Nuttall
- Effects of Standard Household Rice Cooking Methods on B. cereus Growth - Angelina Macwan
- Culturing of Polychlorinated Biphenyl Degrading Microbes from Woods Pond, MA - Akir Rowe
February 2023
- Heavy Metal Concentrations in Exposed Sediments in Great Salt Lake - Cole Stern
- Increasing Sprinkler Efficiency by Reducing Evaporation - Christopher Pantle
- Minority Ethnic Centrality, Affirmation, and Attitudes Toward Mental Health Care - Chandler Peterson
- Timing and Genesis of Mineralization in the Silver Island Mountains - Logan Knight
- Optical Frequency Domain Reflectometry - Jared Beh
- Sport Vehicle Electric Conversion - Joshua Lepus
- Design of a Genetically Encoded FRET Sensor for Oligopeptides - Steven Rimmasch
- Multi-Locus Sequence Type Analysis of North Dakota Rhizobia - Tyler Smith
- College Students' and Professors' Perceptions of a Student with ADHD: Does the Gender Matter? - Jackson Stringham
November 2022
- Abstract Rehabilitation to Crime and Victimization - Joseph Andrade
- Dance Education Among Young Populations - Mariah Benson
- Panamanian Explorations in Connection to Dance Movement Therapy - Cydnee Medina
- Communicating Through Dance in Panama - Gabriella Miller
- Arts in The Panamanian Education System - Robert Favela
- The Study of Dance as a Universal Language - Mallory Hoggan
- Movement Exchange International Community Outreach - Stacee Perry
- Kinesiological Effects of Dance in the Elderly in Panama - Kelli Kerner
- An Exploration of Dance's Influence on Culture in Panama - Kaya Priest
- Education Methods in Panama - Elli Thornley
- Wildcat Trail System Survey - Kali Breckenridge
- Physical Activity in Gamers - Ty Christensen
- Viability of Trypanosoma Cruzi in RBCs at Cold Storage Temperatures - Cameron Clark
- Characterization of a Novel Halmononas-Infecting Bacteriophage - Henrry Dubon
- Viability of Wood as a Material for Hybrid Rocket Nozzles - Conner Ficken
- Mechanism of Chalcone Induced Apoptosis in HeLa Cells - Zachary Harris
- Elimination of Multi-Drug Resistant Candida auris Utilizing a CRISPR-Cas9 System - Alexandra Kelley
- Preventing Adherence of Candida spp. with Pre-Therapeutic Drug – Filastatin - Jordan Brown
- Designing A Gas Cylinder Stand for A Multi-Gas Sintering Oven - Brandon Crowley
- Large Trees as Keystone Species in Old Growth Tropical Forests - Brais Marchena Fernandez
- iSETS - Sarah Noorda
- Particle Image Melocimetry of Small Particle Intramolecular Interactions with Fluids - G. Calvin Yardley
October 2022
- Beyond mental health: An intersectional perspective on Sexual minorities' experiences - Jai Earhart & Alexis Magnusson
- Brainwave Measuring and Characterization - Gavin Messerly & Shawn Bengston
- Topical Bacteriophage Treatment Against Common Epidermal Infections - Taelyn Petersen & Jakob Lenthe
- Brain-eating amoeba rescue-of-infection model using drug combinations - Isaac Roy & Caroline Stephens
- Development of a Drone Robot for Emergency Evacuation - Paige Taylor, Ryan DaVisio, Brandon Ritchie, & Gage Howard
- Confidential Radar-based Infant Breathing and Heart Rate Monitor (CRIB) Project - Christopher Thompson & Braden Radle
- An Evaluation of Nitric Acid Based Soxhlet Extraction of E-Waste - Christian Wentzell & Kami Christensen
- 2021-2022
April 2022
- Establishing a Critical Timeline for MMP2 Expression and Cell Proliferation - Brayden Carter
- Are antibiotic resistant bacteria able to survive the wastewater treatment process? - Karina Ceja & Bailey Hall
- Enantioselective Synthesis of Metal Coordination Complexes Using "Chiragen" Ligands - Cole Clark
- Anti-Microbial properties of Cobalt Complexes - Maren Dawson & Aaron Miles
- Selectively Pressuring E. coli to Develop Antibiotic Resistant Genes - Gina Fuller, Malena Hales, Latchmie Edwards
- The Effects of Mindfulness on Test Anxiety: Anxious Apprehension & EEG Study - Rochely Negron
- Mapping CO2 Trajectory from Breath Plumes - Casey Reeder
February 2022
- Single Sample Survey of Halophilic Host and Phage Pairs -Preston Capener
- Observational Study and Biochemical Analysis of Cestode Manipulated Artemia franciscana - Daniel Contreras
- Water Quality in the Weber River: A Swift Building Follow-up - Joshua Johnson
- The Effects of Physical and Social Engagement on Academic Engagement - Joseph Stephens
- Comparing Microclimate Conditions of Nest Boxes to Ambient Conditions - Kimberlee Whitmore
November 2021
- Biofilm formation for determining phage and antibiotic sensitivity of MRSA - Jacob Baggett
- The Effects of Dyes on Gastrointestinal and Oral Indigenous Microbiota - Sydney Boyer
- History and Impact of Ogden Contemporary Arts - HallieKate Briggs
- Vortex Ring Generator - Devin Carter
- Investigating Uncertainty in Blood Alcohol Concentration - Natalia Davila Baker
- Role of IL-6 in COVID-19 Associated Coagulopathy (CAC) Initiation - Skylar Dearden
- Recolonization of Severely Stressed Microbialite Communities at Great Salt Lake - Cecilia Gibby
- Implicit Juror Bias: Does Racial Priming Impact the Race-Crime Congruency Effect? - Evangelina Marquez
- Guild Ecology of Lichens and Microbialites on Antelope Island - Gabrielle Nielson
- Expert Opinion and the Provision of Public Goods - Austin Parkinson
- Ages and Stages of Deformation of the Farmington Canyon Complex - Kristi Rasmussen
- MRI Signal Space Under Sampling Prediction System Using Deep Learning - Edgar Alejandro Recancoj Pajarez
- Using Field Effect Transistors to Detect Genomic Material - Jacob Sandgathe
- Determining Equilibrium Constants for Hemiacetal Formation in the Atmosphere - Halle Smith
- Verification of CRISPR gene knockout by western blot - Jonathan Spencer
- Investigation of Blood Analyzers and Associations Between Blood Markers - Anya Strauss
- Analyzing Ergot Alkaloid Shifts Within Endophyte-free Morning Glory - Jace Van Leer
- Effect of Stress on Lowering Blood Pressure: Comunity Pilot Study - Zadoth Vazquez
- Life for Women in Guernsey During the WWII German Occupation - Emily Williams
October 2021
- Characterization of metformin’s repression of chemokine production by cancer cells - Benjamin Drake Alton
- Proximo-Distal Fiber Type Distribution in the Limb Muscles of Birds - Shelby Pickett
- Apoptosis in a Zebrafish Model of Human Autism - Ashleigh Steed
- Proximo-Distal Fiber Type Distribution in the Limb Muscles of Birds - Shelby Pickett
- Characterization of metformin’s repression of chemokine production by cancer cells - Benjamin Drake Alton
- 2020-2021
April 2021
- The role of Matrix Metalloproteinase in retinal regeneration in Zebrafish - Landry Batis
- Antibiotic resistance in soils: optimization of undergraduate research for MICR3154- Bailey Hall
- Microbial community in Zinc and Lead contaminated soils in Northern Utah abandoned mines- Caden Probert
- Effects of Heel-Drop Exercise on Tendon Stiffness and Sprint Performance - Steven Rimmasch
- Using Field Effect Transistors to Detect Genomic Material Phase 1- Jacob Sandgathe
- Green Chemistry Method for Silver Recovery from Plated Materials- Christian Wentzell
February 2021
- Eliminating Urine Stream Splatter through Fluid Dynamics - Ethan Barlow
- Phage versus antibiotics on Strep - Ashley Keller
- Smart Swamp Cooler - Jeniffer Limondo
- Working Title of Sculpture: Women are Propping You Up - Morgan Rees
- Validation of Rapid SARS-CoV-2 Testing in Asymptomatic Individuals - Aubree Rowley
- Operation Decoy - Allyson Venhuizen
November 2020
- Viability of Fiber Optics to Measure Thermal Radiation in Solid Rocket Motors - Andrew Achter
- Validation of Laboratory Developed Test for the Detection of Polyagglutination - Braxton Campbell
- Attitudes and Understanding of Federal Reserve - Hannah Leishman
- CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Elimination of Fermentative S. cerevisiae - Chandler Nicholas
- Percolation Threshold of Sputtered Thin Films - Jordyn Redmond
- Altered gene expression in a zebrafish model of autism - Cristine Stacey
- Analysis of beneficial flora and effects on major depressive disorder-associated bacteria - Zachary Tangaro
October 2020
- Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on Exercise Habits - Joshuah Anderson
- Effect of Pollution in Farmington Bay on the Great Salt Lake Microbiome - Kaila Lemons
- Validating Behaviors in Zebrafish Models of Autism Spectrum Disorder Research - Mackenzie Moon
- Automated Greenhouse Controller - Justin Tanner
- 2019-2020
April 2020
- Narrative Making Among the US and UK Citizens: Who Redeems and Who Benefits? - Madisyn Carrington
- Gene Expression in Valproic Acid Treated Zebrafish - Brittney Child
- Mercury in aquatic food webs of the Wasatch Front - Dillon Flowers
- A Case Study of Urbanization in Syracuse, Utah - Allison Thomas
- Biomarker Analysis in a Mindfulness Based Intervention for At-Risk, Urban Youth - Justin White
February 2020
Bacterial Levels and Species Indentification from Grocery Store Misters - Megan Conroy
Potential Student Colonization by Bacterial Pathogens in the Medical Laboratory - Monica Fernandez
Effect of Electronic Cigarettes on Microbiome Diveristy in Mice Lungs - Brayden McGary
A Study of a Remediated Utah Uranium Mine - Tori Schaffer
Cultural Comparison of Young Adults' Perceptions on Immigration - Shannon Stephens
Lipid Detection in Cellular Material from Mouse Lung Homogenates - Zadoth Vazquez
Remembering the Lost Basque Children of the North Stoneham Camp - Sierra Watts-Kirkman
Evacuated Children: An Overlooked World War II Story - Jessie Weeks
Evaluation of Drinking Water in Weber County - Laura Wilcock
Effects of Creative, Social, and Physical Activity on Academic Engagement - Loveena Winkelkotter
November 2019
Geochemistry of Intrusive Rock in the Silver Island Mountains - Chantelle Anderson
Determining the Ages of Igneous Rocks in the Silver Island Mountains of Western Utah - Kylie Arcaris
What were Russian reactions to the Mongols, 1237-1480? - Joseph Brownlow
How did the Russo-Japanese War Affect U.S. Military Planning? - Houston Crudele
Sens Cathedral: An Icon of Medieval Religious Iconography - Shelbie Durrant
Surviving the Great Depression: Yellowstone Park Company - Ryan Evans
Contribution of Ogden Defense Depot to U.S. War Efforts, 1941-1953 - Tyrome Heath
Reaction to the Polio Epidemics in Utah 1946-1955 - Amber Howard
Lipid-Laden Macrophages and Inflammation in the Lungs of Chronically-Vaped Mice - Katlyn Langston
Assessment of Ferritin and Related Biomarkers in Cross Country Athletes - Carlos Lopez
Russia: Gift or Curse? - Harley Pence
Polyagglutinable Red Blood Cells Accurately Detected After Long-Term Lectin Storage - Jesus Rebolledo
The Contributions of Japanese American Women in World War II - Michelle Robinson
Evaluation of Economic Minerals in Utah's Silver Island Mountains - Brooklyn Smout
Characterizing the Intestinal Microbiome of Male Fibromyalgia Patients - Bryant Stewart
How is Mercury exposure affecting Brine Shrimp (Artemia) from the Great Salt Lake? - Xitlalli Villanueva
Geochemistry of Volcanic Rocks from the Silver Island Mountains - Elizabeth Williams
October 2019
- CRISPR-based identification of Salmonella in local waterways - Jeanallie Forster
- Bayreuth Study Abroad Program App - Rose Harris
- Computational Research and Planetarium production on Terraforming Mars - Rachel Lemmons
- Invasive Alliaria petiolata Effects on Mycorrhizal Richness - Alexis Sullivan
- 2018 – 2019
April 2019
- Environmental Consequences of Beaver Removal during the Pacific Northwest Fur Trade - Amber Bell
- RSC Autonomous Delivery Robot - Chibuike Chikere-Njoku
- The Story of Ogden City, Utah's Growth: 1847-2019 - Kelly Cope
- The Role of Metalloproteases in Retinal Regeneration in Zebrafish - Kelton Freidel
- Naegleria Floweri Inhibition by Drug Treatment and CD59-like Protein Neutralization - Joshua Gee
- Economic Impacts of Blue Ribbon Fisheries in Morgan County - Eugina Grandpre
- Dark Sky Awareness and Planning for the Future: Grantsville, Utah - Haylie Hale
- Comparing Geographical Location Knowledge of Undergraduate Geography and Non-Geography Students - Jrew Jackson
- Effects of Mycorrhizal Associations on Tomato Defensive Compounds - Dalton Jones
- The Effects of Acute Dehydration on Strength Performance - Sadie LaMay
- Reducing Waste: Economic vs. Environmental Factors and How They Affect Demographic Groups - Carrie Lynch-Burke
- Water Chemistry and Glacial Melt in the Taku River Basin - Katherine Meyr
- Effects of Heat Application and Dynamic Warmup on Knee ROM - Blayne Morris-Kato
- Tumor Inhibition and Toxicity of Achillea Millefolium Along the Wasatch Front - Michelle Parada
- Secondary Biomonitoring of Heavy Metal Pollutants in Ogden, Utah - Margarita Rivera
- Assessing Rapid Antidepressant Effects of Dextromethorphan Using Novelty-Induced Hypophagia - Jesus Saavedra
- Small Mammal Communities of the Darhad Valley, Mongolia - Chyanne Smith
- Spatial Variation in Mercury Concentrations of Tree Swallows at Antelope Island - Lisa Stoneham
- Milkweek Host Preferences in Oviposition of Monarch Butterflies (Danaus Plexippus) - Karma Thomas
- Recycling Electronic Waste Through Mechanochemistry Processes - Jeremy Trentelman
February 2019
- Teaching Methods at Turtle Mountain Elementary School - Kailee Brown
- Religion and Charitable Giving - John Cawley
- Biofilm Reduction in Simulated Cystic Fibrosis Lung Using Novel Methods - Tyler Chapple
- Can Utah Farmers Grow Hemp without Modifying Current Soils? - Jeffrey Colbert
- Enhanced Cultivation of Great Salt Lake Oxygenic Phototrophs - Kristina George
- The Effects of Vaporized Nicotine Dose and Puff Duration on Locomotor Activity in Mice - Clarissa Marston
- Mid-Air Haptic Feedback System - Kenji Nakayu
- Distributive Analysis of Extrasolar Planets in Globular and Open Clusters - Jonathan Rizzo
- Comparison of Different Methods for Urine Sample Assessment - Chandler Rudolph
- Concentration of Radon within Soils and Homes in the Ogden Area - Jessica Stokes
October 2018
- The Affect of Purchasing Required Textbooks on Student Performance - McKenzie Baird
- Electric Bicycle Prototype - Randall Bott
- "Will Call": An Economic Study of Consumers Preferences for Weber State Theater - Robert French
- Synthesizing Titanium Complexes - Megan Gull & Isabel Gonzalez
- Oikophilia - Andrew Hackett
- Investigation of Serum Iron Related Biomarkers and Bone Density in NCAA Division I Cross Country Men and Women Athletes - Chandler McDonald
- Ion Source for Microbialite Communities - Mason Burningham & Steven Moore
- Peeking through the Palisades at Palmares: A Social History - Austin Nelsen
- Anatomy and Muscle Fiber Types of Kangaroo Rat Hindlimb Muscles - Chanel Ross
- Precipitation of Carbonates by Viral Lysis of Cyanobacteria in GSL - Darian Santana
- 2017 – 2018
April 2018
- The History of the Weber County League of Women Voters, 1963 -2018 - Myla Andersen
- Use of Sentinel Egg Masses to Study Biological Control of BMSB - Zachary Anderson
- Picture Perfect, An Artistic Study on Hope - Brianna Blosch
- Internal and External Political Influences on Rwandan Genoside Memorials - Taylor Covey
- K'iche Language Revival During the Pan Maya Movement - Andrew Crookston
- Assessment of Inflammatory Biomarkers in men and Women Cross Country Runners - Noah John Erb
- Residential vs Commercial Neighborhood Air Quality - Kami Hanline
- Changes to Perceptions of Death: A True Experiment - Morgan Kelley
- Inhibition of Pumpkin ATPases via General and Natural Anesthetics - Spencer Owen
- The Weber State Off-Broadway Experience - Dustin Pike
- Digitization and Imaging of Bryophyte Collection at Weber State University - Kristian Valles
- Comparison of Flavonoids and Anthocyanins in Three Species of Sambucus - Alissa Van Tassell
February 2018
- Transfer of Antibiotic Resistance from Lactic Acid Bacteria - Amber Smith
- Inverstigation of Disease States Involving the APH and ACU Pathway - Carson Cole
- Self-Controlled Flight Computer - Sarah MacCarthy
- Synthesis of organic dye molcules for photo-responsive materials - Jose Chacon
- Evaluating a glycine site partial agonist as a novel and rapid acting antidepressant - Sarah Honeycutt
- Evaluating the reinforcing properties of Vapes (electronic nicotine delivery systems) using human drug discrimination - Carson Clark
- Urease-facilitated carbonated precipitation by Great Satl Lake Microbiolite isolates - Ryan Clay
- Using Staphulococcus aureus phage to penetrate biofilms - Carson Davis
- Susceptibility of infectious nosocomial bacteria to On Guard - Samuel Kalis
- Evaluating Growth of Bacteria in the Presence of Essential Oils - McKay Griffin
- Synergy beween topical antibiotic & tea tree extract on common wound bacteria - Desiree Owsley
- Feedback Effects of Betula and Tortula on soil Microbial Communities - Kaliegh Walther
- Milton P. Skinner: Yellostone Park's first Naturalist - Mason Lytle
- Reality Nouveau: A study in AR, simulacrum, and visual experience - K'Dee Shearer
- Timing and magnitude of uplift in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru - Analeah Vaughn
- 4-HL and its effects on the LKB1 Signaling Pathway - Tyler Arrington
- Geochemistry and Mapping in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru - Carmen Longo
November 2017
- Examination of Invertebrate tachykinin receptor genes - Arusa Ashfaq
- Exploring relationship dynamics in interethnic relationships - Mikayla Brush
- Effect of Triclosan on Growth of C.Elegans - Madison Ballif
- Histologic analysis of nemertean stress - Rachel DuBose
- Effects of vitamin-C on TNF production in Human PBMC's - Kaleb Eppich
- Rhinostat Chemically Treated Nasal Tampon for Epistaxis Management - Dalton Facer
- Bacteriophage as an Alternative Treatment for Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria - Dariann Gallegos
- An Investigation of the Lysogenic Phage that Infects Holomonas Isolated from the Great Salt Lake - Jess Gann
- Electronic cigarettes and the Risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis - Jacob Don Hutchins
- The Degradative Effects of Horseradish Peroxidese on Microbial Biofilms - Samuel Kalis
- Systemic Inflammation in Electonic Cigarette Users versus Traditional Smokers - Sebastian Lawson
- Heat Shock Protein Concentration in Nemerteans Exposed to Invironmental Stress - Augustus Malan
- Elimination of antibiotic resistant Klebsiella pneumonia using CRISPR-Cas9 System - Erin May
- Perceptions of education in the Tongan Community - Aulola Moli
October 2017
- Solar Water Heater Project - Corey Collatz
- Wireless Power Transfer - Chad Gardner
- Feasibility of Biocementing in Great Salt Lake and Uintah Basin - Kuyler Thompson
- Tactile Display - Suny Ly
- 20th Century Plantation Agriculture in Guatemala: Impact on Indigenous Communities - Andrew Crookston
- Wireless SAR Network - Christopher Mondaca
- Determining if GSL microbialite inhabitants can facilitate calcite precipitation - Ryan Clay
- Fiber Type distribution in Golden-collared Manakins (Manacus vitellinus) - Karma Thomas
- Elimination of ESBL Klebsiella pnuemonia using CRISPR-cas9 systems - Spencer Jude
- Exploring Chemical Environments Surrounding Microbialites in the Great Salt Lake - Jess Gann
- Examining Effectiveness of color locking in Red Hair Dye - Maria Whisler-Sorge
- Integrative Negotiations: Gender Differences in the Ultimatum Game - Dalton Facer
- Experimental Demostration of Indium Tin Oxide for Optimization of Thermophotovoltaics - Alex Johnson
- Anatomy and Histochemistry of the Hairy Woodpecker tail apparatus - Alexis Mathews
- Weber State Student Production: Deluge - Robert French
- Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Metastasis: Inhibition through anti-hyperglycemia Drugs - Gabriel Creswell
- 2016 – 2017
April 2017
- Effects of Cortisol levels on withdrawal Symptoms in Electronic Cigarettes users - Makenzie Peterson
- Construction of Environmentally-Friendly Solar Cell Material via Chemical Vapor Deposition - Heather Browning
- Impact of Hobbyist Beekeeping on Flora along the Wasatch Front - Evelyn Linford
- Microbial Degradation of Art Byproduts Wast Streams - Gabriel McKay
- Bacteriocin Production by Bio-protective LAB Cultures that Inhibit Lactobacillus wasatchensis - Sophie Overbeck
February 2017
- Inhibition of Sortase A by Nitrochalcone - Landon Foulger
- Wireless Protocol Analysis using Software - Defined Radios - Ezekiel Newren
- The Impact of Communities of Public Goods - Andrew Nowell
- Synthesis of Anticancer Titanium Compunds and their Efficacy - Atherton Green
- Linking Diabetes and Depression through BDNF and Myeloperoxidase - Eelje Oldfield
- Water Quality in the Cordillera Blanca, Huascaran, Peru - Daksha Patel
- Justice an The Memorailization of the Rwandan Genocide - Michael Ballif
November 2016
- Low-Cost and Open-Source Water Quality Sensor Network - Jason Burrow
- Effects of Metal Exposure and a Drosophila Alzheimer's Desease Model - Eryberto Martinez
- Attitudes towards and usage patterns of lectronic cigarettes (e-cigs) - Cayla Lynch
- Expression of SLCA3 Gene in persistent ADHD - Ryan Anderson
- Metallation and Mechanochemical Synthesis of Tetraphenylporphyrin - Hayden Sharp
- Elimination of Pathogenic Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase Producing Escherichia coli via Bacteriophage Delivered CRISPR Systems - Deven Johnson
- Industrial Viability of Nickle Plated Resin Molds - Cody Grimmett
- Impetus: A Choreographic Approach to Social Unrest - Geoffrey Rosenberg
- Solar Flight - Zac Bigler
- Atmospheric Turbidity Measurements from Near Space Images - Andrew Petersen
- Perceptions of the Medical Setting - Kylee Hurd
- Inplications of 5-HTT and DAT1 Genetic Polymorphisms on Social Anxiety - Parker Hughes
- Quorum-Sensing inhibition by Various Stillbenoids in Eschrichia coli O157:H - Maria Svagr
October 2016
- Isolation and Identification of Pigment Producing Microorganisms from Timpanogos Cave - Shaylee Avery
- Driftmoto Snowbike - Reuben Wiley Collier
- The Deacons: Reformist Insurgency for Civil Rights - Rhett Cannon Cook
- Determining Kinetic Data for the APEH and ACY Pathway - Nicolas Drysdale
- Anti-Cancer Activity of Iron-Based compounds - Taylor Jordan
- Water Flow Sensor - Christian Riet
- From History to the Stage: How the Study of Costume History Influences the Performing Arts - Katie Rogel
- 2015 – 2016
April 2016
- Gay in Seoul: The Impact of Culture on the Formation of Identity - Elias Alexander
- Intramuscular Temperature Changes of Whole Body Cryotherapy vs. Cold Water Immersion - Michael Baumgarten
- Project Peru: An ethnography of International Humanitarian Aid - Giovanna Bonella
- Influuence of Dikes on the Success of Ground Nesting Shoreibrds: An Experiment with artificial Nests - Stephen Chandler
- The Effect of REM Sleep on Cortisol Levels and Perceived Happiness - Samantha Edmunds
- Local Awareness of Hydraulic Fracturing in the Uinta Basin - Cynthia Elliott
- Bluetooth Enabled LED Display for Department Outreach - Matthew Hansen
- Dating the Bruneau Sand Dunes of Southern Idaho - Tyler Helgeson
- Necessity vs. Opportunity Entrepreneurship in Developing Nations - Matthew Largent
- Ogden Air Quality Monitoring and Community Survey - Lorrie Lee
- Weber State Dark Sky Initiative - Michael Maynor
- Alternative Power Suppy and User-Interface (ASPSUI) - Cody O'Brien
- Petrology and Paleocurrents of Sandstones in the Claron Formation - Raquel Robello
- Factors Affecting Foraging Success of Wasatch Comorants - Duane Sowards
- Coparenting Skills Online: A Teaching Methods Experiment - Shanalyn Wheeler
February 2016
- Effects of Inulin on Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus in the Presence of 5-fluorouracil - Adrienne Carlson
- Project Peru: The affects of Globalization Through International Humanitarian Aid - Christyna Cummings
- Building a Solar Simulator - Timothy Rosenvall
- Prosthetic Ankle-Foot Michanism - Marissa Loertscher
- Effects of cross-country training on college athletes'inflamatory markers Alternative: Effects on Cross country training on inflammation - Benjamin Keaton
- Spin Arc welding of Aluminum Alloys - Jacob Grygla
- Which Call to Actions Effectively Increase Total Subscribers on You Tube - Matthew Havertz
- Characterization of ZnON thin Films - Charles Smith
- Xaltocan Spindle Whorl Iconography - Kristi Torsak
- Improving Welder Training Using a Simulated and LiveArc Training System - Kevin Erikson
November 2015
- Zircomium Metal-Organic-Frameworks - Jehad Abourahma
- Synergistic Effects of Polyxometalates and Antibiotics against Antibacterial Resistant Bactiria -Candace Adamson
- F508 deletion Mutation in Patients Diagnosed with ABS and Asthma - Brody Barney
- Physiological Measures and Genetics Predictors of Empathy - Chase Brower
- Remote Operting Sensor System (EVAN) - Evan Chief
- Analysis of Urinary Biomarkers in the Diagnosis of Depression - Daniel Hayward
- Role of Type 3 Deiodinase in Idiopathic Epileptic Syndrome - Claudemire da Silva Lima
- Associated Actors and Technicians Presents: 35MM: A Musical Exhibition - William Peterson
- Sexual Orientation Based Wage Discrimination in the Utah labor Market - Michael Rodgers
- Inhibition of the Intrinsic Coagulation Pathway due to use of Isotretinoin - Maikie Sengdeng
- Mormonism and the Professionalization of Social Work 1915-1930 - Brian Whitney
October 2015
- Acoustic Modem - Bryan Duquette
- A Physiological Comparison of Pickleball and Walking - Tyler Farr
- Robotic Welding Safety - Nolan Sprosty
- Perceptions of Bullying: Connecting Elementary Students, Teachers, and Administration - Blake Tubbs
- Solar Tracking System - Steffen Voet
- Anatomy and Histochemistry of Flight Hindlimb Posture in Birds - Amanda Walker
- John Sherman and the American Civil War - Daniel Weller
- 2014 – 2015
April 2015
- Antibacterial Effects of Slippery Elm - Jacob Bernhard
- Etiology and Susceptibility of Canine Otitis Infections - Cristie Cothran
- Acute and Chronic Effects of Selenium in Brine Shrip (Artemia) - Jessica DeJong
- Mobile Elemental Power Plan II (MEPP II) Project - John Garrett
- Aerial Photography of Ogden Valley Reservoirs Using Lighther Than Air Technology - Hailey Hanson
- Can Love Make Your Worries Disappear - Candace Horne
- Examining Nitrosamines in the Culinary Water of Ketchikan, Alaska - Deseret Liu
- Correlation Between Deciduous Trees Changing Leaf Color and Aphid Colonization - Karl Lye
- Histochemical Analysis of the Gliding Muscles of Sugar Gliders - Carly Milligan
- Electron Micrographs of Morphological Defferences in Halophage Capsid Sturcture from the Great Salt Lake - Brent Nelson
- DNA Barcoding of Great Salt Lake Invertebrates - Son Nguyen
- Exploring Modern Respiratory Care Practice in Utah Hospitals - Whitney Schlueter
- Plant Kin Recognition Response Pathways and Variations with Fungal Partners - Nicholas Shaw
- A Sectional Comparative Study of 日本一级片 Campus Safety from 2009-2015 - Jordan Snook
- Fiber Type Distribution and Function of Tail Muscles in Birds - Kyle Spainhower
- Effects of a Comunity Focused Skill Development Program on Motor Development of Children with Disabilities - Shantel Skeen
- Provenance, Sedimentology, and Basin Development, Limerock Canyon Formation, Southwestern Utah - Kevin Rafferty
February 2015
- Kai-Shi: a Youth Character Development Program - Chandler Copenhaver
- Biguanides, Tumor-Associated Macrophages, and Triple-Negative Breast Cancer - Adam Henrie
- Hsp 70 Gene Regulatory Response in Paranemertes Peregrina - Sara Naveed & Kirsten Peterson
- Petrography of the Perry Canyon Formation, Carrington Island, Northern Utah - Michael Garlick
- Solar Charging Station - Wes Hortin
- Effictiveness of Vacuum Cleaners: Microbial Extraction on household Surfaces - Marcus Matson
November 2014
- Synergistic Effects of Polyoxometalates and antibiotics against Antibacterial Resistant Bacteria - Candace Adamson
- Chronic effects of intermittent sound disturbance on Buenos Aires tetra - Jeremy Arnt
- Changes in empathy in pre-health Students and health Professionals - Max George & Chase Brower
- Role of Blood Type in the Development of Celiac Desease - Zachary Gibson
- Mechanical Engineering Technology Senior Project; Thermal Solar Collector - Alberto Gomez
- Prevalence of Milk-borne pathogens in the Northern Utah Milk Supply - Landen Holmes
- Rwanda After the Genocide - Julie Ikeda
- Effect of Roundup on Artemia - Kimberly Lowder
- Atmospheric Data Telemetry between the HARBOR Aircraft and Ground Control - Larry Lusk
- Antimicrobial Effect of Asparagus recemosus on Five Clinically significant Pathogens - Joseph Maes
- Vitamin D Binding Protein Isoforms & Vitamin D Levels in Diabetes Patients - Samantha Morgan
- Thermal Expansion Research & Testing Instrument - Yahya Abu Saq
October 2014
- An Examination of the Relationships Between Exercise, Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor, and Multiple Sclerosis - Amy Covington
- Detection of Halophilic Bacteriophage in Soils Near the Great Salt Lake - Garrett Ward
- The Motivational Power of Incentives: Immediate vs. Delayed Rewards - Ysabel Jardine
- Detoxification Enzyme Expression in Nasal Epithelium of Woodrats Consuming Juniper - Daniel Jensen
- Fatigue Testing Machine Design and Build - Mohammed Alabdulkarim, Adam Smith, David Atkin, Jacob Stampick, Eric Black
- Smartphone Use, Test Performance, & Anxiety - Hendrik Ombach, J'lene Rea
- Caching Behavior of Neotoma Species - Jared Smith
- Path of Purpose - Madisen Jones
- 2013 – 2014
April 2014
- Ph and Salts Effect on Infection of Halophiles by Phage - Tyler Allen
- Isolation of Enterococcus Bacteriophage from Northern Utah Water Systems - Brody Arave
- Building a Place in Ogden Utah: African American Community Organizations - Geoffry Bilderback
- Albert Sidney Johnston and the Utah War - Mark Church
- Effects of Vitamin D Supplementation on C-Reactive Protein in Participants of the Weber in Motion Exercise - Stacie Hancock, Jessica Muhlestein
- Plasmid Analysis of Two Novel Lactobacillus Curvatus Strains - Jordan Hendricks
- Diplochory in the Dwarf Bear-Poppy (Arctomecon humilis) - Christopher Hunsaker
- Mozambican Men and Women: Investigating Gender Equality in Southeast Africa - Matthew Largent
- The Role of Genetic Polymorphisms and Cognitive Self-Control on Adolescent Aggression in Male Juvenile Detention Inmates - Trae Mendenhall
- Anatomy and Histochemistry of the Avian Tail Apparatus - Kyle Spainhower
- Getting Kids Outside: A Parental Education Workshop - Kassandra Sqrow
- Synthesis and Characterization of Organometallic Polmers from Substituted Cyclopentadienes - Daniel Taylor, Sharon Vasquez
- Characterization of a Halophilic Segmented Double Stranded RNA Virus - Darin Toone
- Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dating at Cottontail Rock Shelter - Heidi Van Etten
- Sheep Grazing Impact on Plant Populations on Idaho BLM - Staci Williams, Sara Higley
- Genetic Characteristics of Enterococci Isolated from GLS and Weber River - Cody Zesiger, Autumn Brubaker
February 2014
- Microorganisms and Other Particulate Sampling in Earth's Atmosphere - Jess Gann
- American Avocet Incubation Constancy in a Hot Environment - Josh Hall
- Aerosol and Gas Composition Measurements in an Urban Mountain Basin - Michael Petersen, Bronson Stephens
- Stratigraphy of Cenozoic Strata Near Hatch, Utah - Kevin Rafferty
November 2013
- Solar Wind Integrated Crate (SWIC) - Zachary Beames
- Toothbrush Sanitization: A Comparison of Two Methods - Chelsea Burr, Kelsey Adams, Hailey Fawson, Kristen Linford
- Risk Assessment for Periodontal Disease - Chenylle Corbett, Kynzie Atkinson, Caitlyn Capener, Nicole Diquattro
- Native Plant Extracts as Inhibitors of Common Bacterial STD Pathogens - Sarah Eccles
- Bilingualism and Religiosity - Benjamin Eschler
- The Impact of a Serotonin Transporter Genetic Polymorphism on Spatial Working Memory - Houda Nizam
- Antimicrobial Properties of Penstemon Cyananthus - Vanesa Martinez
- Relationship Between Sleep, Diet, and the Duration of Concussion Symptoms - JoLin Petersen
- Prevalance of ABO Blood Type and Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 - Tyler Rushforth, Hayley Steed, Joshua Lloyd
- Crude Plant Extracts as Inhibitors of Cyrptosporidium Parvum - Alisha Ryan
- Use of Common Household Desiccants as a Poison Ivy Block - Daniel Shallbeter, James Mauchley
- Prevalence of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Among Weber State Students - Michael Smith, Ahmed Mohammed, Richard Scott
October 2013
- Voices Amidst Conflict: Gays During the Troubles in Northern Ireland - Joshua Behn
- Development of Methods to Survey the Great Salt Lake Virosphere - Kayla Blackford
- Taxonomic Study of Arnica Species - Taylor Nelson
- Race and the Spectacle of Empire in France's Third Republic - Avery Pince
- The Effects of Mobile Apps in Healthcare: The Treatment of Asthma, Diabetes & Hypertension - Jared Smith, Molly Leonard, Elika Parivar
- Analysis of Genes for Salinity Tolerance in Plants Native to the Great Salt Lake Ecosystem - Ryan Wall
- 2012 – 2013
April 2013
- Effects of Glucose on Swarming Motility of Proteus Mirabilis - Karlee Emal, Scott Chamberlain
- Metagenomics of Great Salt Lake Microbes - Christopher Hill
- Effects of Essential Oils of Peruvian Amazonia on SSTI-Causing Microorganisms - Alex Holt
- The Metis Society in the Great Lakes Region, Late 1700s to 1840s - Stacy Johnson
- MEPP Reusable Energy Test - Jeremiah Keplinger, Jeff Staker
- A Multi-Sensor to Study Aerosol Pollution and Gas Composition in Earth's Atmosphere - Michael Petersen, Jenifer Stoddard, Joe Mahurin
- Weber County Red Cross Canteen, World War II - Lorrie Rands
- Divulging Emotion Through Realism - Rachel Rigley
- Automated Tracking Antenna for High-Altitude Atmospheric and Climate Research - Michael Shaw, Spencer Ito, Benjamin Jones
- Resurrection of a Ghost Town: Chesterfield, Idaho - Candice Tesch
- Novel Gene Sequence for Invertebrate Techykinin Receptor - Chelsie Thomas
- Timing and Source Relationships of Cretaceous Strata, Southern Utah Basins - Kari McLaughlin
- Effects of Size on Capacitance of Printed Micro-Supercapacitors - Ronald Marx
- Comparisons of Hands-On Learning Versus Sharing on Student Performance - Joshua Bradford
February 2013
- Lavender Oil & State Anxiety: Priming and Personality Factors - Eric Bitton
- The Efficacy of Motivational Imagery Intervention in Distance Athletes - Jenna Deelstra
- Microarray Analysis of the Effect of Triclosan on Caenorhabditis Elegans - Stephanie Hansen