日本一级片 Communication Preferences
Survey results include the following:
- 735 respondents - 65% Staff, 32% Faculty and 3% Administrator
- Announcem ents and email are nearly tied as being the most useful type of communication: email is the preferred form and announcements are most used.
Which university communications platforms do you find most useful?
Top three answers in order: University email, university announcements and town halls
How would you prefer to receive university communications?
Top three answers in order: Email, announcements, department meetings
Where do you most often go to gather information about university news, policies, and updates?
Top three answers in order: University announcements, direct communication from leadership, department meetings
How satisfied are you with the current communication between university leadership and faculty/staff?
Top three responses: 43% Moderately, 30% Very and 17% Somewhat
How well do you feel informed about important university decisions and initiatives?
Top three responses: 40% Moderately, 25% Very and 22% Somewhat
Considering all of the university-related information you receive, how often is the information you receive relevant or helpful to your role?
Top three responses: 36% Moderately, 31% Somewhat and 19% Very
How clear and easy to understand is the communication you receive from the university?
Top three responses: 43% Moderately, 34% Very and 17% Somewhat