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Math Placement

The math requirement for graduation is referred to as your Quantitative Literacy (QL) requirement.

You need to find out which math course you should start with to complete your QL requirement based on your placement level, major and other factors. Do those next steps here: Know Where You're Going to See Where You Start: Completing Your QL Requirement

Automatic Placement

If you provide a high school GPA and an ACT math score to the Office of Admissions, you will not need to take a placement test. Your placement will be reflected in . Depending on your ACT score and GPA, you may be placed in a math course based on Weber State's ACT developmental math rubric.

Score & Corresponding Placement
Developmental Math Rubric Score

  • 0.0 or higher: MATH 0950
  • 19.00 or higher: MATH 0970 or MATH 0990
  • 21.0 or higher: MATH 1010

Math ACT

  • 17 or higher: MATH 1035 or MATH 1036
  • 21 or higher: MATH 1010 or MATH 1030 (QL)
  • 23 or higher: MATH 1040 (QL), MATH 1120 (QL), MATH 2010, MATH 1050 (QL), MATH 1060, MATH 1090 (QL) or MATH 1080 (QL)
  • 26 or higher: QL requirement satisfied

Math SAT

  • 470 or higher: MATH 1035 or MATH 1036
  • 530 or higher: MATH 1010 or MATH 1030 (QL)
  • 560 or higher: MATH 1040 (QL), MATH 1120 (QL), MATH 2010, MATH 1050 (QL), MATH 1060, MATH 1090 (QL) or MATH 1080 (QL)
  • 610 or higher: QL requirement satisfied

Refer to the Math Placement Levels webpage to see which sequence of math courses makes the most sense for you and your major.

Send your ACT or SAT scores to Weber State:

Placement Testing

If you want to challenge your placement based on your high school GPA or ACT scores, your scores have expired or you have no placement, you will need to take a free, proctored ALEKS placement test. In addition to being a placement test, ALEKS provides the opportunity to review and learn math skills so you can increase your course placement.

ALEKS includes access to review modules, practice tests and limited test retakes for a 12-month period of time.
Once you’ve taken the proctored test, your placement will be reflected in .
ALEKS Score & Corresponding Placement
0-13: MATH 0950
14-34: MATH 0970 or MATH 0990
14-100: MATH 1035 or MATH 1036
35-45: MATH 1010
46-100: MATH 1030, MATH 1040 (QL), MATH 1120 (QL) or MATH 2010
55-100: MATH 1050 (QL) or MATH 1060 or MATH 1090 (QL) or MATH 1080 (QL)
65-100: QL requirement satisfied
78-100: MATH 1210
Then, see which sequence of math courses makes the most sense for you and your major.  

No Placement: Start at the Beginning

If you do not have a high school GPA or ACT scores and choose not to take a placement test, you will only be able to enroll in the lowest level math class Weber State offers, MATH 0950. This could:

  • Increase the cost of earning your degree
  • Delay graduation
today about free placement testing through ALEKS and how it can benefit you.  

Score Expiration & Petitioning

  • ACT scores are good for two years for placement into MATH 1030 or higher.
  • GPA and ACT scores never expire for placement into MATH 1010 or below.
  • ALEKS scores expire after 2 years.
  • Completed prerequisite courses expire after 2 years.

If your test scores have very recently expired you may petition to have them used by emailing devmath@weber.edu and math@weber.edu for more information.