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Careers in Psychology

A degree in psychological science opens doors and prepares you for the future. Own your education and use it to make a positive impact in the world.

As a psychological science major, you will gain and develop critical knowledge about human behavior and valuable skills for the job market. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), the top skills of majors include social, communication, leadership, management, and research and technological skills. Among other skills, you will learn how to:

  • Gather and synthesize different types of information
  • Understand and use a range of sources
  • Weigh and integrate information into a persuasive and empirically-based argument
  • Think critically about complex problems
  • Evaluate ideas from a variety of perspectives
  • Collaborate with others
  • Develop self-knowledge and sensitivity to issues faced by other people
  • Accept some ambiguity in information
  • Hone your reading, writing, and oral communication skills to communicate your ideas
  • Apply your knowledge and the scientific method to answer big and vital questions about human behavior

These skills of psychological literacy are well-suited for a variety of careers in fields.

  • Counseling
  • Human services
  • Education
  • Health care and medical professions
  • Law and the criminal justice system
  • Business
  • Marketing
  • Human resources

For more information on the evidence-based list of the top transferable employer-valued skills that students in psychological science can develop, see . You should become aware of these cognitive, communication, personal, social and technological skills, work with the department advisor to choose courses to hone these skills and to discuss your professional development, and learn how to market these skills to potential employers

In short, we’ll teach you how to incorporate your skills into your resume and showcase your skills front and center in your interviews.

For more information regarding careers in psychological science, see .