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Ritchey Science Fair

The Ritchey Science Fair is a regional science fair for middle and high school students in Northern Utah. At a regional fair, students compete against students from other schools in their region, with a select few advancing to the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair where they compete for more than $5 million in awards.

Senior Science Fair: 9th-12th Grade

The senior science fair provides high school students an opportunity to apply the scientific method to a chosen area of independent study and present their findings to a unique collection of industry professionals, university faculty and other students with similar areas of interest. Students who demonstrate a thorough knowledge and correct application of the scientific method as it applies to their research will be awarded and qualify for a chance to advance to the International Science and Engineering Fair. The Ritchey Science & Engineering Senior Fair is in March. Contact us for more details for each year.

Registration will open February 1st

Registration closes at midnight March 1st

The registration fee of $15 per student should be paid by credit/debit card prior to the beginning of the fair, either by the school or by the student(s). If your school is paying for all students by check, please send an email message to sciencefair@weber.edu for payment instructions and deadlines.

Required Forms

Senior fair (grades 9-12) students must upload their completed forms. Forms are to be finalized no later than the project submission deadline at midnight in March (please see zFairs site for exact dates). Students attending InTech Collegiate, DaVinci Academy, and schools in the Ogden School District should register through your school's Ritchey Science Fair Portal. Your registration will be forwarded to the Ritchey Science Fair if you advance from your school/district fair to Ritchey. Please make sure you log into your account once you have been advanced to register for the fair.

Davis and Weber school district students should make sure to follow the guidelines from your district administrators regarding forms.

Junior Science Fair: 6th-8th Grade

The junior science fair provides students with an opportunity to present their findings and observations from an independent research project of their choosing. Participating offers valuable benefits that go beyond science knowledge. It encourages critical thinking, problem-solving, and hands-on learning. Students develop essential research skills, including data collection and analysis, while also improving public speaking and presentation abilities. The process fosters creativity, teamwork, and leadership, and sparks interest in future STEM careers. Overall, they provide a unique opportunity to build confidence, academic skills, and a passion for discovery.

Please note the date listed on the zFairs site when all virtual project materials should be uploaded.

Important Dates To Remember: All are noted on

Participant Registration Begins: February 1st, 2025
Participant Registration Ends: March 1st, 2025
Registration Fee: $15
Junior Fair: March 14th, 2025 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Senior Fair: March 14th, 2025 1:30 - 4:30 PM
Award Ceremony for both divisions: 7:00 PM

How to Qualify

All students attending public schools in the Weber and Davis School Districts must have placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in their district fair categories or be otherwise selected by those districts to attend the Ritchey Science Fair.

All other students in the service area advancing to the fair must participate in a fair, whether it is their school’s or a district fair, and placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in their category or be otherwise selected by the school/district fair.

The service area includes: Box Elder, Cache, Daggett, Duchesne, Logan, Morgan, North Summit, Ogden, Rich, and Uintah districts as well as charter, private (except St. Olaf and St. Joseph) and home schools in all of the above districts and Davis and Weber counties. Students in Davis and Weber school districts advancing to the Ritchey Science Fair from their district fairs are considered to be in a separate ISEF affiliation group. Weber and Davis school district students are eligible for all category awards and select special awards. Questions?

If you have questions or your school does not hold a fair or if you have any questions, contact sciencefair@weber.edu.