Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP)
The Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP) is for students already in the Army National Guard or Army Reserve, or who plan to serve in the Guard or Reserve. In the the program, you’ll serve as an officer trainee in a Guard or Reserve unit, while performing duties commensurate with the grade of a second lieutenant and being paid at the rate of a sergeant E-5. In addition, you’ll receive your GI Bill, GI Kicker and ROTC stipend.
While you are an SMP cadet, you’ll be considered non-deployable.
SMP Program
- 100% federal and state tuition assistance
- Drill pay as an E5 (or above)
- GI Bill
- GI Bill Kicker
- Eligible for Dedicated National Guard/Army Reserve (DEDNG/Reserves) or Guaranteed Reserve Forces Duty (GRFD) Scholarships.
- Accrue time and service
- Hands-on experience and training
- 30 credit hours completed
- Minimum 2.5 GPA for GRFD scholarship
- Medically and morally qualified
- Meet Army physical fitness standards
- Full-time student
- Enlisted or eligible for National Guard or Army Reserves
- US citizen or permanent resident
- Completed background check
ObligationsScholarship recipients must be involved in the SMP while in school, and have a letter of acceptance from a local Guard or Reserve unit stating they will accept you in an SMP status.
How to Apply
Contact our Army ROTC Recruiting Office at 801-626-8609 or
You can also contact SSG Gary Haws at 385-271-6785 or email
Army ROTC Nursing Scholarship
As a nursing student in ROTC, you can gain practical nursing experience and become an expert in military science. (All Scholarships are currently unavailable), along with financial assistance for housing, books, fees, and a monthly stipend.
Learn more about our ROTC nursing program
- Full in-state or out-of-state tuition
- Housing funding ($6,000 per semester)
- Books and fees funding ($1,200 per year)
- Monthly stipend of $420
Eligibility- US citizen
- Minimum 2.5 GPA to qualify (2.0 GPA minimum to maintain scholarship)
- Minimum ACT score of 19, or SAT score of 920
- Age 30 or under by graduation year
- Medically and morally qualified (no felonies)
ObligationsDuring ROTC training
- Complete military science courses with a minimum 3.0 GPA
- Complete the Cadet Leadership Course in Ft. Knox, KY
- Meet Army physical fitness standards
- Maintain and meet height and weight standards by age and gender
Following graduation/commissioning- 4 years activity-duty status required by most scholarships
- Passing NCLEX to be branch qualified as a US Army nurse (3 attempts allowed)
- Failure on the third attempt requires a reassignment for 4 years, based on the needs of the Army.
How to ApplyContact our Weber State Army ROTC Recruiting Office at 801-626-8609 .
You can also contact Dr. London Draper Lowe (Professor/BSN Nursing) at
Weber State Scholarships
Along with scholarships specifically for ROTC cadets when available, Weber State University offers a wide range of scholarship opportunities available to students of all majors.
Complete the steps on the Financial Aid & Scholarships website to apply.
We normally offer full-tuition scholarships to help you reach your goals. HOWEVER, ALL SCHOLARSHIPS ARE CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE !!!
If you have questions, please contact our Weber State Army ROTC Recruiting Office at 801-626-8609. OR