SAC Bylaws
Amended January 10, 2023
The purpose of the Staff Advisory Council(SAC)is to support the goals and mission of the University and to provide representation of the staff employees as individuals and as a whole to the University administration, the Board of Trustees and the University community.
SAC shall seek input from and serve as an advocate on behalf of all staff employees in areas including, but not limited to: compensation, benefits, work conditions, policies and procedures, professional and educational opportunities, job security, discrimination, harassment and other matters related to the well-being of staff employees.
SAC shall be directed by the Executive Board made up of a Chair, Vice-Chair and Recorder elected by majority vote. Membership shall consist of elected members from identified divisions of the University, plus a non-voting Vice President from President’s Council and a non-voting liaison from Human Resources. Staff Advisory Council shall establish standing committees, ad hoc committees, and SAC member assignments to other campus groups as it deems necessary.
Section 1. Membership Criteria
Elected officials of SAC shall include those university employees who hold salaried, non-faculty positions at .75 FTE or greater per fiscal year.
Section 2. Apportionment
The elected member size of the Staff Advisory Council shall be evaluated each year by the Executive Board (the Board). The factors to be considered are the level representations of staff, and maintaining an expected time commitment from representatives that is reasonable to allow for any represented position to sever on the Council. The Board may recommend a change in size for the upcoming year.
Each December, the Apportionment & Elections subcommittee shall identify subdivisions of the University and request the current number of non-exempt and exempt staff per subdivision from Human Resources. The Apportionment & Elections subcommittee shall then determine a representational ratio of Staff Advisory Council representatives per subdivision for non-exempt and exempt staff. The minimum number of representatives per subdivision of the university shall be one exempt and one non-exempt. Any staff member who does not report to a subdivision of the university (e.g., The Office of the President) shall be grouped with the smallest subdivision. If the Board has recommended a change in size of the Staff Advisory Council, an apportionment using the new size as well as a second proposal for the existing size shall be prepared.
At the first regular Staff Advisory Council meeting of the calendar year, the Apportionment & Elections subcommittee shall report on their apportionment recommendations. The Staff Advisory Council shall vote to approve one or more of the apportionment recommendations as well as the preferred order of the apportionment recommendations.
The Staff Advisory Council Board will then request to present the results of apportionment to President's Council and to request approval pursuant to PPM 3-38b IV B.
Section 3. Term of Office
Members of the council shall be elected for staggered three-year terms to provide for continuity. The council shall elect a vice-chair and, if necessary, a chair at the first meeting of each fiscal year. The term of office for all members shall begin July 1 and end June 30 of each fiscal year.
In the event SAC members are involved in hearing a grievance at the conclusion of their term of office, the individuals serving on the hearing subcommittee would continue to function until the grievance procedure is concluded. Newly elected SAC members would function for new business only.
If a SAC member has a change in employment within the University that no longer qualifies them to serve in the area or classification of position for which they were elected, refer to Section 7. Vacancies.
Subsection A. Officers
The Chair, Vice-Chair and Recorder shall be elected to serve a one-year term (July 1 – June 30). A new Vice-chair and Recorder are elected from members of SAC for the next term. At the conclusion of an expired term, the Vice-Chair automatically succeeds to the position of Chair. The outgoing Chair shall serve an additional year as a non-voting Past Chair and is not eligible for re-election until the following year. Elections for Vice-Chair and Recorder shall take place during SAC’s last meeting in May of each academic year.
Subsection B. Removal for Cause
Any member or officer may be removed for cause (i.e. showing gross neglect of duty) by a majority vote of the quorum. In the event of such removal from office, vacancies shall be filled as outlined in Section 7. Vacancies.
Section 4. Election of Members to SAC
SAC shall facilitate a nomination and election procedure each year. The Apportionment and Elections subcommittee will facilitate and oversee the election process. Elections are open to all eligible salaried, non-faculty employees whose employment is at least .75 FTE per fiscal year. Nominees must confirm willingness and availability to serve in the position for a full 3-year term if they are elected. As well, supervisors of nominees will be contacted to confirm eligibility.
An official ballot will be prepared by the Apportionment and Elections subcommittee and distributed by the end of March. All votes received on or before the specified due date shall be counted. In the event no candidate receives a majority, the SAC chair and the Apportionment and Elections subcommittee chair shall employ a means of chance to select a winner. The results will be announced through appropriate publicity channels.
SAC will have the responsibility to fill vacant seats as members transfer or terminate. Refer to Section 7. Vacancies.
Section 5. Responsibilities of Members
Each SAC member shall attend meetings and shall vote on matters of business transacted by SAC. In addition, council members shall disseminate pertinent information from SAC to staff employees within their division and shall receive and report to SAC suggestions offered and issues raised by their constituents.
Section 6. Duties of Officers
Chair. When the vice-chair assumes the duties of chair position, they move from representing their division to a position representing all staff, not affiliated with a single division. If this creates a vacancy for the division, refer to Section 7. Vacancies. The principle duties of the chair shall be to preside at all meetings of the council and to supervise, direct, and promote the goals and objectives as set forth by the council. The Chair shall make a report to 日本一级片 Board of Trustees prior to their regular meetings and attend Board of Trustees meetings in a guest capacity. The chair will also serve as a liaison to the Faculty Senate.
Vice-Chair. The principal duties of the vice chair shall be to discharge the duties of the chair in the event of the absence of the chair and to accept and discharge such special assignments as may be made by the chair. The vice chair assumes the duties of the chair after one year.
Recorder. The principal duties of the recorder shall be to keep a true and accurate record of the proceedings of all meetings of the council and to systematically and safely keep such books, papers, records, and documents pertaining to the business of the council.
Treasurer. The principal duties of the treasurer is to systematically monitor and reconcile the SAC budget. The treasurer can review and make recommendations for expenditures.
As needed, the role of treasurer and recorder can be assumed by a single individual.
Section 7. Vacancies
Should the chair leave office during the term, the vice chair shall become acting chair, assuming the duties as stated in Section 6. Should the vice chair be unable to assume the duties of chair, a member of SAC shall be appointed to the position of chair, by majority vote of the council, for the remainder of the term.
Should the vice chair or recorder positions be vacated, a member of SAC shall be appointed to each position by majority vote of the council to fill the position for the remainder of the term.
When a seat is prematurely vacated within a division, ballots from the previous election (within the same division) will be examined. The nominee(s) receiving the next highest votes in said election shall be invited to fill the vacated seat(s). In the event the nominee(s) receiving the next highest votes results in a tie, the names of the nominees will be presented to SAC members to be voted upon. The nominee receiving the highest votes will be invited to fill the vacated seat(s). If it is determined that no person on the ballot can serve, a representative from the vacated division will be appointed by the VP over that division. The newly elected member will complete the vacated term.
In the event both the chair and the acting chair leave office during the same term a special election of SAC must be held and completed within 30 days of such occurrence. The term of office of any person(s) elected in a special election will begin the day following the close of that election.
Section 8. Absences
Any member of the council who after three unexcused absences from SAC meetings in any one year of office as recorded in the minutes of such meetings, or after showing signs of gross neglect of duty as determined by the majority of council members, may be removed from office by a two-thirds majority vote of the entire council. In the event of such removal from office, vacancies will be filled via the special election procedure outlined in Section 7. Vacancies.
Members may participate in-person or virtually.
SAC shall meet monthly during the academic year. Two thirds of SAC members must be present to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
All meetings (except those mandated as private by GRAMA [Government Records and Access Management Act]) shall be open to any 日本一级片 employee. Modern Rules of Order shall be used in all meetings of SAC.
All members of SAC (or designated representatives) shall have one vote each, except the past chair. In the event of a tie, the past chair may vote.
The By-laws shall govern SAC and shall be consistent with University policies and procedures. The By-laws may be changed or amended by a majority vote of the quorum.