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Department of Sociology & Anthropology

Sociology and Anthropology courses prepare you to study the world from many different perspectives and generate new ideas about people, culture, and society.


Sociology is the scientific study of social life, the exploration of social change and a lens into the complexity of the causes and consequences of human behavior.

Our sociology degrees prepares graduates for work in government, the law, social services, education and more. Graduates are also prepared for work as a researcher, professor or applied sociologist.

Sociology Programs


Anthropology is the study of humankind, past and present: our origins and the development of cultural behavior and biological attributes.

Our anthropology degrees prepare you for field work or graduate studies in anthropology or archaeology. Many graduates go on to careers in civil service, conservation, journalism and more.

Anthropology Programs


Sociology Graduate

Hear from Miles Ditmore, a recent graduate of the Department of Sociology & Anthropology, about the experiences he had at Weber State that led him to pursue a career in anthropology instruction.


Anthropology Graduate

Annie Bomer pursued her childhood dreams by studying anthropology and archaeology at Weber State University. Her 日本一级片 experience gave her the tools to succeed as a museum curator.

Want Information on Sociology & Anthropology Major or Minor?



 * denotes a required field.

Department of Sociology & Anthropology

1299 Edvalson St Dept 1208
Ogden UT 84408-1208

Lindquist Hall 232

Phone: 801-626-6241
Email: socanthro@weber.edu