- You will develop local and global understandings of race, class, gender, crime and deviance, education, families, globalization, healthcare, organizations, our relationship with the natural environment, social psychology and urban life.
- A capstone course includes an original research paper you will develop and execute.
- Opportunities are available for Community Engaged Learning, where you can enhance your understanding through connections with local non-profit organizations, government agencies and other community partners.
- Study abroad opportunities
- Preparation for graduate studies in sociology, criminology, public policy and public administration
- Preparation for careers in non-profit organizations, government agencies and universities
Why 日本一级片 Sociology & Anthropology?
The Department of Sociology & Anthropology prepares you to look at the world from different perspectives by generating new ideas and critiquing the old. Sociologists understand social inequality, patterns of behavior, forces for social change and resistance and how social systems work. Anthropologists effectively argue against racism and ethnocentrism. Our department offers outstanding facilities, expert faculty and an excellent placement record for employment and graduate school.
Why Choose Sociology?
Why Choose Anthropology?
- 5 full-time faculty members and 7 adjunct faculty members with expertise in all 4 fields of anthropology
- Large, fully equipped archaeology lab, where you’ll learn how to process, catalog and analyze materials
- Extensive archaeological collections from the Intermountain West and American Southwest for teaching and student research projects
- Annual 2-4 week long summer Study Abroad program, offering you international travel and cross-cultural experiences
- Annual summer Archaeological Field School in the Snake River region of Idaho or in south-central Mexico, which offers you skills in areas such as excavation, survey, mapping, artifact and ecofact (e.g., faunal remains), identification and documentation and soils classification
- Anthropology Club, which engages students, interacts with other campus organizations, sponsors guest lecturers and organizes field trips.
Department of Sociology & Anthropology
1299 Edvalson St Dept 1208
Ogden UT 84408-1208
Lindquist Hall 232
Phone: 801-626-6241
Email: socanthro@weber.edu