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Bachelor's Degree in Anthropology

Anthropology takes a holistic approach to describing and explaining human differences and similarities around the world and throughout time. We offer both Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees in Anthropology with tracks in General Anthropology and Archaeology.

General Anthropology

General Anthropology prepares you for public and private sector careers in anthropology-related fields or to enter professional or graduate schools. As a student in this track, you will complete a series of fundamental and advanced courses, as well as various elective classes suited to your interests.

What You’ll Learn

  • Biological anthropology
  • Development of cultural behavior
  • History and development of anthropological schools of thought
  • Anthropological research methods
  • Social statistics
  • Cultures around the world
  • And more...

Degree Requirements

  • 39 credits in Anthropology.
  • Minimum grade of C in all major courses (a C- is not accepted)
  • A minor or second major is also required (minimum grade of C)


A bachelor’s degree in archaeology provides you with the knowledge and experience to enter graduate programs and obtain part- and full-time, entry-level positions with private environmental consulting firms and public land-managing agencies.

What You’ll Learn

  • Biological anthropology
  • Principles of archeology
  • Prehistory of North America
  • Early civilizations
  • Archaeological field techniques
  • Archaeological lab techniques
  • And more...

Degree Requirements

  • 42 credits in Anthropology.
  • Minimum grade of C in all major courses (a C- is not accepted)
  • A minor or second major is also required (minimum grade of C)



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Contact our administrative specialist at 801-626-6241 or


Dr. Mark Stevenson
Lindquist Hall 244