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Ethnic Studies Minor

Ethnic studies is about learning who we are as individuals, communities and as a country. Students often experience profound awakenings about themselves and their worlds in ethnic studies courses, making it an ideal subject for people looking to explore everything from race in the United States to the development of their ethnic identity. The minor is also great career training, as employers report needing graduates with advanced skills in writing and speaking, critical thinking, as well as a passion for social justice—the very things found in these courses. Given this, a minor in ethnic studies would complement most any major or BIS degree, from psychological science to zoology and everything in between.


What You’ll Learn

  • Compare and contrast the history and experiences of ethnic and immigrant groups in the United States, especially people of African, Asian, Latino and Native American descent.
  • Identify and explain the interdisciplinary terms, concepts and theories involved in ethnic studies.
  • Practice critical thinking, especially by applying critical frameworks to understanding racial divisions and inequality.
  • And more...

Degree Requirements

  • First, choose from the following for a total of 6 required credit hours:
    • – Introduction to Ethnic Studies Credits: (3)
    • – Race and Ethnicity Credits: (3)
  • Then, choose from the following for a total of 12 credit hours:
    • - Latinx Visual Art and Culture Credits: (3)
    • - Race, Crime, and Justice Credits: (3)
    • - Latino Child and Family Development Credits: (3)
    • - United States and Canada: Geography, Diversity and Change Credits: (3)
    • - Native American History: 1300 to Present Credits: (3)
    • - African-American History Credits: (3)
    • - History of U.S. Latinos Credits: (3)
    •  - Psychology of Diversity Credits: (3)
    • - Issues in Diversity Credits: (3)
    •  - Ethnicity and Older Women in the American Society Credits: (3)

Declare Your Program

Contact the administrative specialist at socanthro@weber.edu or use the Change My Major app in your eWeber portal.


Please direct questions to Pepper Glass (pepperglass@weber.edu). All Ethnic Studies minors students should meet with a faculty advisor at least once a year. Undeclared students and those with general questions need to contact the current coordinator.