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Program Details

The Birth of the Modern World is an interdisciplinary course that integrates the philosophy,art,and history of the European Renaissance and Reformation. The historical origin and spread of the Renaissance will be traced from Florence to the Netherlands. Critical thinking about key historical debates will form the foundation of the course, namely: the reemergence of classical ideas, the question of free will in a Reformation context, and the political perspectives of Machiavelli. The course will help students cultivate not only a knowledge of the history and philosophy of Renaissance Europe, but also a deeper understanding of the complex arc of the history of ideas, and the impact of the Renaissance on the modern day.

Selection Criteria:

There is a physical requrement for this course. The destinations in this course involve uneven ruins located sometimes in hilly locations that require steep climbs,and busy cities requiring brisk walks from one form of transport to another. Students must therefore be able to 1) walk one mile in 20 minutes, AND 2) walk two miles in 45 minutes, 3) Walk 6 miles in a day. Students who cannot meet these requirements cannot attend. If students require more than one seat on a coach or ferry, they must pay for the additional seat. Ther are no prerequisites for this course. Minimum number of participants is 15; the maximum is 22.


  • Italy
  • Switzerland
  • Germany
  • Netherlands

Program Dates:

June 1, 2017 – June 16, 2017


Cost: $3,980 dollars (Includes Airfare) All Study Abroad Programs will need to be paid in full before It leaves.

Deposit: $500

Pay deposit and all payments to the Hurst Center for Lifelong Learning in person or pay over the phone with a credit card at (801) 626-6600. Please, do not pay on campus, all payments need to be made at the Hurst Center.


If you have questions on the Itinerary, please contact Katie & Marc Nelson or the Study Abroad Office at 801-626-8155.

Academic Courses

Students can choose 6 credit hours from the following:

  • HISTORY 4720
  • HONORS 2010
  • HONORS 2120

Program Directors

Dr. Katie Nelson, program director:Adjunct in the History Dept and Honors Program. Will advise half the students while abroad;teach the history component of the course.

Marc Nelson,co-director: Adjunct in the Philosophy and Honors Programs. Will advise half the students while abroad; teach the philosophy component of the course.

Trip Cancellations

If the trip is canceled, all participants will be refunded. Any refunds for withdrawals from the program will be determined by the Study Abroad Director according to the recoverability of incurred costs and fees and according to the Continuing Education Policy. Once the group leaves all costs are non-refundable in their entirety. Dates & process may change. It is the student's responsibility to be aware of any such changes by staying in contact with the program director.

Any questions feel free to contact the Study Abroad Office at (801) 626-8155 or by calling the Continuing Education Office at (801) 626-6600.