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While Abroad

Be Smart

While traveling abroad, make safety a priority, and wherever you are, be smart.

  • If at all possible, always stay in a group, and let your Program Director know where you’re going.
  • Guard against pick-pocketing by wearing your backpack on the front of your body (if you must wear it at all), keeping your money/wallet in your front pocket or under your clothes, and keeping hold of your electronic equipment (cell phone, mp3 player, camera, etc.).
  • Always carry ID and a little extra cash with you.
  • Bring your internationally-enabled cell phone in case of an emergency as well as a list of emergency numbers (including the local equivalent of 911, your Program Director’s cell phone, your travel insurance company’s assistance line, the American Embassy, etc.).
  • Remember that you don’t bring the U.S. Constitution with you – you are subject to all local laws and customs.
  • Leave a copy of your itinerary with family or a close friend.
  • Sign up for the State Department's .
  • Don’t accept packages from strangers or leave your luggage unattended at any time – especially at the airport.


Always remember while you’re abroad that you’re an ambassador of Weber State University, the State of Utah, and the United States of America. Always keep your conduct in line with local laws, customs, and Weber State policies. If you are in violation of the local law or Weber State Policies, your Program Director, as the official Weber State Representative, has the right to send you home at your own cost, where you may be subject to further action including a failing grade and/or university sanction.

Have a Great Time

Traveling on a Study Abroad can be the experience of a lifetime! Remember that you’re there to learn, soak up the culture, and see the sights of the world first-hand, so go with an open mind, an empty camera and notebook, and a good pair of walking shoes. Study Abroad isn’t a vacation, so you may not be staying in five-star hotels and eating at the finest restaurants, but you will be totally immersed in local culture, customs, and traditions. Make the most of your time on your Study Abroad, and you’ll remember it for a lifetime.