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Europe and U.S.A.

Program Details

Liberty was so highly regarded in England that The Cult of Liberty was born there in the 1700s. Yet it was France and America that staged revolutions in the name of Liberty, while England remained steadfast in support of its monarchy. Weird, right? This course explores how explosive ideas born in the 18th century (what we call The Enlightenment) led to political revolutions on both sides of the Atlantic. It also explores the ways revolution was avoided in England itself. We’ll begin in Bath, England, famously frozen in time in the ostentatious Georgian era. We’ll then travel to the haunting sites where revolutionary ideas were first written in northern France, and the dramatic sites where the ideas became war in Paris, Boston, Lexington, and Concord.

Selection Criteria:

  • Be 18 years of age or older.
  • Be a high school graduate or above.
  • Read, speak, and understand English.
  • Provide documentation of sufficiently good enough health to travel and participate in a two-week study program.


  • England
  • France
  • Massachusetts, U.S.A.

Program Dates:

May 17, 2018 – May 30, 2018


$4,270.00 (International Airfare Included)

Suggested Payment Schedule:

  • Deposit: $500
  • Jan. 16, 2018: $900
  • Feb. 16, 2018: $900
  • March 23, 2018: $900
  • April 20, 2018: $900
  • May 3, 2018: $170

Must be paid in full by May 16, 2018

Deposit: $500 dollars will need to be paid when you hand in your application.

All payments must be made through the Hurst Center, NOT at the main cashier's office. Payment can be made in person, or over the phone at (801) 626-6600. The Hurst Center is located on the south side of campus next to the Alumni Center.

Includes: International airfare, room and board, domestic transportation, and some meals.

Not included: passport, incidentals, excess baggage costs, any unscheduled travel, and all meals.


Please attend all departure meetings!

December: Opening meeting
January: Intro to The Enlightenment
February: Intellectual Freedom
March: The French Revolution
April: The American Revolution

May 17: Departure
May 18 - 20: Bath, England
May 21: Portsmouth
May 22: Rousseau House and Paris
May 23: Paris
May 24: Versailles and Chateau du Cirey
May 25: Maison des Lumières
May 26: Fly to Massachusetts
May 27: Concord
May 28: Boston
May 29: Quincy (John Adams Estate)
May 30: Lexington and Return Home
June 30: Handbooks and final papers due

Academic Courses

Students who participate in this study abroad program may be able to register for up to six (6) semester credits through Weber State University in HIST 4720 (3), PHIL 2920 (3), HNRS 2120B (3), HNRS 2010B (3).

Program Directors

Dr. Katie Nelson
Marc Nelson

Trip Cancellations

If the trip is canceled, all participants will be refunded. Any refunds for withdrawals from the program will be determined by the Study Abroad Director according to the recoverability of incurred costs and fees and according to the Continuing Education Policy. Once the group leaves all costs are non-refundable in their entirety. Dates & process may change. It is the student's responsibility to be aware of any such changes by staying in contact with the program director.

Any questions feel free to contact the Study Abroad Office at (801) 626-8155 or by calling the Continuing Education Office at (801) 626-6600.