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Program Details

Participants will be able to study construction/design techniques that will be utilized in Fiji in order to complete three initatives in the town of Nabouwalu: Construct classroom and staff office, a walkway roof over the main main school walkway, an outdoor shed for preschool play equipment, repair and improve community hall building, and deliver education modules to the pre-primary/primary school pupils.


Student participants can be of any age group, as long as they are willing and able to meet the moderate physical demands of traversing extensively as part of the program.


  • Nabouwalu, Fiji

Program Dates:

May 15, 2019 – May 31, 2019


Cost: $3,050: Community | $2,450: Students

Deposit: $500

Jan. 23, 2019- $510 (Community); $390 (Students)
Feb. 13, 2019- $510 (Community); $390 (Students)
March 13, 2019- $510 (Community); $390 (Students)
April 3, 2019- $510 (Community); $390 (Students)
April 24, 2019- $510 (Community); $390 (Students) -Final payment

Pay deposit and all payments to the Hurst Center for Lifelong Learning in person or pay over the phone with a credit card at (801) 626-6600. Please, do not pay on campus, all payments need to be made at the Hurst Center.


May 15 - May 16: Traveling to Nadi
May 17: Take bus from Nadi to Nabouwalu
May 18: Work day
May 19: Church outreach, local hospital outreach, hike, free time in evening
May 20 - May 21: Work days
May 22: Groups will switch off between Work Time and Reef Snorkeling
May 23 - May 25: Work days
May 26: Church outreach, local village outreach, second village outreach, free time
May 27: Work day
May 28: Work day, celebration and ribbon cutting ceremony
May 29: Final visit to school, board ferry in Nabouwalu bound for Natovi. Bus from Natovi to Pacific Harbor
May 30: Scuba diving and snorkeling with Aqua Trek. Time at the resort
May 31: River rafting tour, depart back to SLC

Academic Courses

In addition to the pre-req BSAD 2899, students may enroll in (3) of the following credit hours:

  • DET 4920 (3): Short courses, workshops, special programs
  • GEOG 4950 (3): Advanced Regional Field Studies: Fiji

Program Directors

Julie Rich, program director: Will oversight the program. She will instruct the GEOG 4950 courses. This program will be her twelfth international study abroad program advising students.

Jeremy Farner, co-leader: Oversight of all the construction project and on the ground work in Fiji. He will instruct the DET 4920 courses and assist with the academic portion of the program. Fiji will be his sixth international service trip while advising students.

Mike Moon, co-leader: Will be the logistics coordinator and will assist the trip leader. Mike will also instruct the GEOG/DET courses and will assist with the academic portion. Fiji will be his twelfth international service trip while advising students.


Trip Cancellations

If the trip is canceled, all participants will be refunded. Any refunds for withdrawals from the program will be determined by the Study Abroad Director according to the recoverability of incurred costs and fees and according to the Continuing Education Policy. Once the group leaves all costs are non-refundable in their entirety. Dates & process may change. It is the student's responsibility to be aware of any such changes by staying in contact with the program director.

Any questions feel free to contact the Study Abroad Office at (801) 626-8155 or by calling the Continuing Education Office at (801) 626-6600.