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Program Details

This is a service learning course that is designed to provide daily care to children living in orphanages while helping students improve their pediatric assessment skills and their cultural competence. Perform pediatric assessments, analyze pediatric needs and examine how culture affects care; participate in a team delivering education daily care to children; utilize evidence in the delivery of care by studying pediatric disease process, and identifying care challenges in the community.

Application Deadline:

Oct. 25, 2019

Ecuador trip


  • Cuenca, Ecuador
  • Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

Program Dates:

March 1, 2019 – March 11, 2019


Cost: $3,599

Deposit: $500

Pay deposit and all payments to the Hurst Center for Lifelong Learning in person or pay over the phone with a credit card at (801) 626-6600. Please, do not pay on campus, all payments need to be made at the Hurst Center.


5 days serving in orphanages near Cuenca Ecuador

2 days exploring the Galapagos Islands

3 credit hour hybrid course with 11 day trip over Spring Break

Academic Courses

In addition to the pre-req BSAD 2899, students may enroll in (3) of the following credit hours:

  • NRSG 4850 (3)

Program Directors

Julie Rhodes

Trip Cancellations

If the trip is canceled, all participants will be refunded. Any refunds for withdrawals from the program will be determined by the Study Abroad Director according to the recoverability of incurred costs and fees and according to the Continuing Education Policy. Once the group leaves all costs are non-refundable in their entirety. Dates & process may change. It is the student's responsibility to be aware of any such changes by staying in contact with the program director.

Any questions feel free to contact the Study Abroad Office at (801) 626-8155 or by calling the Continuing Education Office at (801) 626-6600.