Reporting Telephone Harassment
There are various types of harassment calls and callers. Some will be annoying, such as a person calling over and over again and hanging up, or calling at odd hours during the night; and others will be threatening. Weber State University Telecommunications takes all types of suspected harassment calls seriously. If you feel you are experiencing harassing calls please take the following action:
- If you are an employee at 日本一级片, call and discuss the situation with the Telecommunications office as soon as possible at extension 6024. Telecommunications should be alerted right after the suspected harassing call, if at all possible. If it is in the evening, please leave a detailed voice message and a call-back name and number.
- Write down the following information, if at all possible:
- Record the date & time of the call.
- Save any voice mail you may have regarding the harassment.
- If you are an employee with a digital phone write down the telephone number showing on the display.
- Try and determine if the call came from on or off campus.
- Write down as many of the details of the caller as you can remember, include male or female, disguised voice, threatening manner, language, verbiage, etc. This should be done right after the call.
- Write down the conversation, in detail, as much as you can remember. This should be done right after the call, while it is fresh on your mind.
- Telecommunications Personnel will offer alternatives to help you determine who is making the suspected harassing call or calls.
- You might be requested to file a report with the Campus Police depending upon the severity of the harassment.
- If a police report has been filed, and the harassment continues, the user can request a number change.